How to Clean an Oven?

Oven stains are very difficult to remove. This is due to the fact that they are hardened and set onto the surface from the high heat of the oven and only become more stubborn the longer they remain. After the months of roasting and baking, an oven tends to get fairly grimy. They built up grease and charre food accumulates and turn into carbon and cause a strong burning smell when cooking. If you will let your oven remain coated in carbon, it can eventually taint your food an even become a fire hazard. But by reading this article you will let know that how to clean an oven.

clean an oven

Ways to Clean an Oven

1.) Determine Type of Oven you have

There are a few standard types of ovens, and they each require slightly different cleaning methods.

  • Self-cleaning ovens have a feature that allows you to heat the oven to such a high temperature, so the the built up foods and grease turned into ash.
  • Textured ovens or continuous cleaning ovens have a porcelain layer that is designed to burn the spilled food away you are using your oven to bake.
  • A regular oven without these cleaning features is cleaned regularly by hand.

2.) Prepare to Clean an Oven

Choose a time to clean an oven when your kitchen area is at its least active and keep the children’s and pet away form the kitchen while the oven is cleaning since it heats to a very high temperature and give off a burning smell.

  • Open your windows to ventilate the kitchen so your family will not inhale the fumes.
  • Then remove the oven racks and place them in a sink full of warm water and mix a few drops of dishwashing liquid to soak.

3.) Turn on the Self Cleaning Mode

If you have an oven which has a feature to self-cleaning mode then you need to turn on it. this method requires to lock the oven door and heat the oven to between 800 to 900 degrees.

  • Make sure the door of the oven should be locked and leave the oven to clean. If the lock is not working then you can put the masking tape or some other kind of barrier on the door of the oven, so your family can know it should not be open.
  • The oven will clean itself in between 2 to 6 hours, during this process the burnt food and grease will turn into a light gray ash.
  • Then let the oven cool for at least 2 hours.

4.) Clean an Oven Door

Open the door and sweep out the ashes with a small brush and dustpan. Then wipe the oven clean with a wet cloth

  • Then clean an oven door. To clean the door you need to scrub the inside of the oven door with a clean rag and misting of a kitchen product. You can use a vinegar and water solution to the clean the door.
  • Then clean an oven rack. You need to scrub the oven in the soapy water then rinse them off and dry them. Then replace in the oven.

5.) Clean Textured Oven

First, you need to remove the racks, then place them in a sink full of warm water and mix it with a few drops of dishwashing liquid soak.

  • Then you need to wipe the inside walls of the oven with a damp sponge. If you clean an oven continuously then you don’t need to be heated it first. make sure that your oven is cold when you clean it.
  • Don’t use abrasive scrubber or chemical in your textured oven. It may damage the porcelain.
  • If you feel it necessary then you can use a solution of vinegar and water to wipe down the walls.
  • Then the last step is to clean the racks of an oven. You need to scrub the rack of oven with the soapy water. Then risen off and dry them, then replace them in the oven.

6.) Clean a nonself Cleaning Oven

First, you need to remove the oven racks, then place them in a sink full of warm water and mix it with a few drops of dishwashing liquid to soak.

  • Load a one-liter spray bottle with 4 tablespoons of baking soda and fill the rest with water. Then shake well the spray bottle to moisten an dissolve the baking soda.
  • Spray the interior of a cold oven with the baking soda solution and focus on the charred and stained areas, until the carbon is completely saturated.
  • You can even increase the ratio of baking powder to water to make a paste if you have too many dirty ovens. Then spread this paste all over the charred areas.
  • Allow the paste or solution in for at least an hour. Then after an hour test the area to see if the charred part has loosened.
  • If it is still hard then put the solution or paste again and allow it to sit for another hour.
  • If it’s loose enough to chip off then proceed to next step.
  • You can also use a scraper to remove the loosened carb. You should use the type of scraper which you to chip ice and snow off your windshield. Keep scraping until most of the carbon is gone.
  • You can wear gloves if you don’t want your hands to get black from the soot.
  • Spray the area with more baking soda solution as it started to loose.
  • Then sweep the debris you chipped off. Use a small brush and dustpan.
  • Then spray the interior with baking soda solution again and allow it to soak in for an additional hour, then use a scrubber to remove the leftover carbon.
  • Wipe down the oven once more with a solution of half vinegar and half water. When you will reach this point the interior of your oven should be clean. If caked on carbon remains. You can try the following alternative methods.
  • You can use an industry strength oven cleaner. But these contain chemicals that could be harmful to breathe, so use it with caution. They typically instruct you to let the solution soak into the charred section and then scrub out the oven.
  • You can use ammonia to clean an need to pour it on the caked on areas and let it sit for thirty minuted before scrubbing it off with a rubber and then wipe it with a damp sponge.
  • Then clean an oven rack. You need to scrub the oven racks in the soapy water. Then rinse them off and let them dry, then replace them in the oven.

7.) Apply baking soda to oven surface to Clean an Oven

First, remove all the removable items like racks thermometer or other things from the oven. Then apply baking soda to all the stained surface of your oven interior. Apply baking soda liberally up to ¼ inch thick in the areas that are stained. On side and top surface of the oven, you can easily sprinkle on baking soda.

8.) Apply water to the Baking Soda

Just lightly pour or spray water bottle onto the baking soda covered of your oven. Use enough water to fully saturate the baking soda.

  • A spray of water should be enough for a light layer of baking soda.
  • You can also put white vinegar over the baking soda with a spray bottle. But take care to this method as a mixture of them create a chemical reaction that can be explosive in large quantity.  Use only a spray bottle in this case.
  • Allow the dampened baking soda coating to sit undisturbed in your oven. Leave it for 12 hours or overnight.
  • You can spray the water on baking soda if you find it become dry, but otherwise, you can leave the mixture alone until the next day.
  • You will find that the damp baking soda turns black as it picks up the grease and stains from the oven.

9.) Wipe Residue away with a Damp Cloth

After at least 12 hours, wipe away the baking soda paste and grime from your oven surfaces. You need to use a dry clean cloth to remove the solid residue as best as possible.

  • You can also use a silica spatula or plastic to gently remove the paste that has became hardened or stuck in a hard to reach the place.

10.) Spray and Wipe Surfaces Again

Spray the surface of an oven with water and wipe way the remaining residue of baking soda with a damp or dry cloth. You can also spray white vinegar for this step before wiping down.

  • If you are using vinegar then spray it lightly onto any areas that have some remaining baking soda. The mixture of them will make slight foam.
  • Make sure to remove all the baking soda as best as possible before using your oven again because when the baking soda comes in the contact of the heating element it tends to smoke badly.

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