How to Exfoliate Lips?

Exfoliating lips is a good way to remove the impurities such as dead, flaky, chapped or dry skin cells from the lips. Exfoliation helps to minimize the dark spots on your lips. You will get soft lips after exfoliating them.This can exfoliate your lips in a number of ways. You can make homemade scrubs to exfoliate the lips naturally while exfoliation products are also effective, you can try both of them. But consider using natural remedies, they are best to exfoliate your lips because they don’t have harmful ingredients like chemicals, toxins or any other artificial components. Home remedies scrub the lips in the right way to abate the dead skin cells on the lips. Your lips will become fresh, plump, and soft like baby lips. You can use these remedies to exfoliate lips.

Ways to Exfoliate Lips:

1.) Sugar Scrub to Exfoliate Lips

Mix equal amount of sugar and olive oil in a bowl to get a paste. stand over your sink so you don’t make a mess. Use a soft washcloth to gently massage the mixture onto your lips using a circular motion. Rinse the mixture with warm water. cup your hands and splash water into your mouth until it is clean. Pat dry your lips and apply petroleum jelly or hydrate lips to moisturize your lips.

  • You can use brown or white sugar but not powdered.
  • You can also use coconut oil in the place of olive oil.
  • The longer you will rub the mixture on your lips the more intensely it will exfoliate. Do this for a minute. Too much exfoliate can make your lips sore or chapped.
  • Oil based scrubs works great for dry skin because they are hydrating.

2.) Baking Soda Scrub

Baking soda is one of the best methods to exfoliate lips. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. you may have to experiment with the ratio. Use a toothbrush with soft, straight bristles or clean washcloth to rub the paste onto your lips in a circular motion. Rinse it off with warm water, gently pat dry and apply lip balm or petroleum jelly.

  • Baking soda and water don’t moisturize your lips, so be sure to apply a moisturizing lip balm when you are done.
  • This scrub is very effective if you have oil skin around your mouth because it is not greasy.

3.) Honey Sugar Scrub to Exfoliate lips

Mix 2/3 sugar and 1/3 honey in a small bowl. Apply it to your lips in a circular motion. You can use your finger if you wash your hands first, or a soft toothbrush, cotton swab, clean washcloth. Leave the paste on for 2 to 3 minutes. wash it off with warm water. honey is sticky so take a few minutes of washing. Gently rub your lips with a cloth and then moisture.

  • You can also leave this scrub on overnight if you want. After a apply the scrub, put a strip of paper towel on your lips and lightly push it down. This will keep the scrub from getting all over your bedding and face. Try to sleep on your back and keep your head upright. Remove the paper strip in the morning and wash it off with scrub and moisturize your lips well.

4.) Exfoliate lips with Toothbrush

Take an old toothbrush to exfoliate your lips. Prefer using the one with straight bristles that are very soft and put a bit of petroleum jelly in it. rub the toothbrush on your lips in a circular motion. Rehydrate your lips using petroleum jelly. Or apply a little more if most of it get rubbed off.

  • You will not like to brush your teeth with that toothbrush again. You can save it in a clean and dry place to use for exfoliation, but don’t contaminate it by using if for other purposes.
  • If you have sensitive lips, so try a children’s toothbrush. They are usually extra soft.
  • If you don’t want to use a toothbrush, so you can do the same trick with a soft, clean washcloth.

5.) Exfoliate Lips with Lemon

Lemon is a great bleacher for lips, it is very effective to exfoliate lips. It not only exfoliate your lips but also lighten the lip color. But be careful, don’t exfoliate your lips with lemon juice if they are much more chapped or dry, otherwise, it may sting your lips. cut a lemon into two pieces.  Gently one piece onto your lips. you can spread some on the lemon slice. Do this for about 2 minutes. then cleanse your lips with a washcloth and put some honey on the lips for about 10 minutes. it will hydrate and nourish and the lips.

6.) Coffee to Exfoliate lips

You can easily make a homemade lip scrub with leftover coffee grounds and coconut oil. The oil will dissolve the impurities and moisturize the lips. on the other hand, the coffee grounds exfoliate the dry dead skin cells. mix coconut oil with coffee ground and then use a toothbrush to exfoliate the lips in a circular motion.

7.) Rose water with glycerin to Exfoliate Lips

The combination of exfoliation for the lips is the secret beauty tip for the celebrities. You can make this scrub at home. Rose water sets on a pink tint over your lips along with the soothing them. Mix glycerin and rose water together. Pat your lips with these remedies with the fingertips for about 3 minutes. wash your lip with water. leave this mixture on your lips throughout the night, it will make your lips more beautiful and plump.

8.) Exfoliate Lips with Jojoba oil and Sugar 

Mix some vitamin E or jojoba oil together. Scrub your dry lips with this exfoliator for about some minute, but not more than 4 minutes. cleanse your lips with the clean water. then apply your dear lip balm. It helps to exfoliate all the dirt from your lips.

9.) Coconut Oil to Exfoliate Lips

Coconut oil is a natural stuff to hydrate your lips. it helps to moisturize the lips. mix some sugar with drops of coconut oil in a small bowl. Pat your dark or dry lips with the scrubbing element for about 3 to 4 minutes with the fingertips or an old straight bristle soft toothbrush. Then clean your lips with hygienic water. make sure you have good balm on your lips to moisturize your hydrate lips.

10.) Aloe Vera to Exfoliate Lips

It is for the lips that are exceptionally dry, you cannot beat using aloe vera. You just simply apply a small amount of this ingredient with the tips of your fingers. Dab your fingers in a warm water and massage your lips in a circular motion.  This will help to remove dry skin and provide deep moisture.

11.) jojoba oil to Exfoliate Lips

Jojoba oil has natural antibacterial properties which can give a cleansing option for dry lips. when it is combined with brown sugar, you get an easy to use natural scrub which tastes great and effectively nourishes the skin. You need to mix equal parts of each ingredient and apply it with fingertips using a circular motion until all the sugar has dissolved. Rinse your lips with warm water and apply lip balm to moisture your lips.

12.) Exfoliate Lips petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly is a natural exfoliation and works as a moisturizer to your lips. use a soft toothbrush to apply a small amount of this product on your lips. Let it sit on your lips for about three minutes. then gently rub toothbrush over your lips in a circular motion to remove the jelly and completely rinse with warm water.


  • Keep in mind to exfoliate only once per week to avoid the damaging the delicate the skin on the lips.
  • Be gently when exfoliating your lip with your finger so you do not accidently massage away too many layers of the skin and leave your lips raw.
  • Avoid bad habit like excess alcohol or smoking which cause dry lips.
  • Use lip balm that contains naturally nourishing ingredients like shea butter and beeswax. Also, try to find out those which have SPF to protect your lips from the sun.
  • Apply a deep moisturizing lip balm after every exfoliation. Hydration will soothe the lips and keep them looking smooth.
  • Always use a soft tooth bristles with even bristles. Hard or medium bristles will be damaging.
  • Never use a toothbrush on the lips alone, it can cause redness.
  • Do not use commercial scrubs with harsh ingredients like salicylic acid.
  • Use a cotton swab for a germ-free approach to apply lip scrub.
  • If any product starts to irritate your lips, don’t use them.
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