How to Break Up with Someone You Love?

Such times come in a relationship when there is no longer any use to stay in the relationship. You know it would be better if you both would part your ways but your decision might hurt your partner and you want to avoid it. Breaking up with someone is hard but it is harder when you have genuine feelings for them. It will be hard but it will be better to break up sooner than later. If you have decided with all your senses about what is right for both of you then taking next step as soon as possible is very important. There are ways by which you can break up with someone you love and we have arranged great tips for you to imply.

Steps to Break Up with Someone You Love

1. Accept the Fact to Break Up with Someone You Love

You might have feelings for that person but accepting the fact will keep you both happy. You might be friends forever if you end it on a good term. Accepting the fact will help you to reach a better conclusion rather than meddling in between lots of thoughts. Accept the fact that it is better for you to break up and that is all option you have with you. Accepting things makes lives easy to live.

2. Do Not Blame Anyone to Break Up with Someone You Love

You are a mature person and it is your decision to have a better future for both of you. If you know that this is the correct option then blaming yourself or your partner will only create negative feelings in you and your partner. Do not blame anyone for this. Few things just happen and blaming anyone would cause no good to anyone. Try to handle your emotions maturely. There are many reasons for a relationship to not work and you have to get to end it even if you have feelings for each other.

3. Think Best for Both of You to Break Up with Someone You Love

When you will analyze this fact your thoughts will get strong and you will feel yourself capable of taking this decision with less difficulty. You will know that it is better for both of you. You both have a long and beautiful future ahead to live. Living in a relationship which has no future will get you both only pain and sorrow. Think about the future to break up with someone you love. Mature decisions are taken after keeping all points in mind not just thinking about the present.

4. Have a Talk with Your Partner to Break Up with Someone You Love

Having a talk is always helpful. Both of you should have a healthy discussion on this topic. Keep all your points in front of your partner and suggest how it will be better if you two gets apart. You partner will also understand your point of view. He or she might get hurt but there must be some reasons for you to take such step. Make them realize why it is necessary and how it will affect both of your futures. Discuss on all of these points and answer your partner’s each query. Try to reach a conclusion together. Choose a right time to have a conversation. And a quiet place to talk to your partner about it. Never break up over the phone and talk it out and suggest your option to have a break up for a better future.

5. Ask Your Friends for Help to Break Up with Someone You Love

Friends are always one to help in such hard times. If you are not sure about your decision ask your best friend to help you out. A good friend always knows better than you. Ask them what would be better for you to do. Knowing what they think about this matter would help you to take decision easily. If you are close to any of your cousin or sibling or anyone from your family members then talks to them about it. They would definitely show you the right path.

6. Avoid Meeting with that Person to Break Up with Someone You Love

Since you have feelings for him/her it would be very hard for you to do so but it is the best option to get over him or her. Be firm on your decision and avoid having any contact with him/her for a while. Even if they try to reach do not revert otherwise you may get weak and might want to get back together. Well, it will hurt both of you but it will be over soon. Time is the best medicine, give time, time.

7. Get Rid of Memories to Break Up with Someone You Love

If you have something around you like his/her picture or anything gifted by him/her get rid of it or hide it somewhere not easy to reach. You can keep things with you but keep it where you will not see it on a daily basis. Putting gifts and pictures out of your sight will help you to forget him/her easily. Otherwise, you will keep mourning thinking of that person. Also, delete photos of him or her from your phone and laptop to easily forget that person.

8. Pain is Not Forever to Break Up with Someone You Love

As you know time is the best medicine and no feelings lasts forever and this pain will also go away. You and your ex will start feeling good again in a month or so. Wait for a while and everything will be okay. After this suffering, you will also become stronger than you have been before. Give yourself some time to get over the pain and all bad feelings. It is a hard feeling to cope up with but you will soon feel better.

9. Stay Friends to Break Up with Someone You Love

When you feel better you can reconnect with that person as a friend. Few people in life are worth keeping forever if you want that person to stay in your life then suggest him/her staying friends. This part can be tricky as when you reconnect you might want to get back together. Therefore, try to do this only when you get sure and have control over your feelings. Suggest staying friends but do not try to start this friendship game just after the breakup or you might get confused about your feelings. Also, be honest while talking to your point. Do not say anything which you do not mean just to make him/her better, say what you actually feel.

10. Spend Time with Your Loved Ones to Break Up with Someone You Love

At this time spending time with your friends and family will help you a lot. Do not hesitate to reach out to them to get emotional support from them. Have fun with your family and friends it will help you to get over your ex. Go out with them and plan things to do together with them. Friends and family will prove to be a great help at such times. you will enjoy being with them and will forget your sorrows easily.

11. Get Rid of the Guilty Feeling to Break Up with Someone You Love

You are the one who initiated breakup but you did it for both of you. you knew that it was the best for both of you. When you know that what you did was right then rather feeling guilty about it be confident about your decision. Do not cry over the same thing again and again. Be strong emotionally; do not wail on what has already be done. Try to make your future a better and happy days. you did break up for both you to be happy, therefore, do not waste in crying and feeling guilty.