Foods High in Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid (With Benefits)

Vitamin B5 is also termed as pantothenic acid. This vitamin is found in both plants as well as animal dietary sources. It is a very important nutrient that provides amazing health benefits. It is a vital vitamin B complex nutrient, which is water-soluble. It plays a major role in converting carbohydrate into energy. It also helps in maintenance of fat and plays an important role in cellular processes. So, if you want to add this vitamin to your diet. Then, simply read this article to know various foods high in vitamin B5 pantothenic acid (with benefits).

Health Benefits of Vitamin B5:

Vitamin B5 provides various health benefits. Some of the common benefits we get from vitamin B5 are as follows:

1.) Energy Production:

Vitamin B5 provides health support as it incorporates with Coenzyme A (CoA) molecule. This enzyme plays a major role in burning fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and forming fuel sources.

2.) Fat Metabolism:

It helps in building fats for storage. Vitamin B5 plays an important role in breaking down fats. It also takes part in metabolic processes.

3.) Other Important Health Benefits of Vitamin B5:

Here are few other important benefits of vitamin B5. They are as follows:

  • It helps in converting food into energy and glucose.
  • It synthesizes cholesterol of our body.
  • It helps in forming red blood cells in the body.
  • It even forms help in maintaining sex as well as stress hormones.
  • It is good for your skin and hair.
  • It is a very important nutrient for your immune system.

Daily Intake of Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid (Recommended by Experts):

  • For newly born infants: 6 months of age: 1.7 mg
  • Infants of 7 months age: 1.8 mg
  • Children of 1 – 3 years age group: 2 mg
  • Children of 4 – 8 years age group: 3 mg
  • Children of 9 – 13 years age group: 4 mg
  • Teens of 14 – 18 years age group: 5 mg

Doses for Adult:

  • 19 years and older: 5 mg
  • Breastfeeding women: 7 mg
  • Pregnant women: 6 mg

List of Foods High in Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid (With Benefits):

Here is the list of the foods high in vitamin B5. Have a look at them and add them to your diet for getting various health benefits from these foods.

1.) Eggs High in Vitamin B5:

It is a great animal-based product high in vitamin B5. It is also a great source of protein. So, add this amazing food to your diet. Just eat it with toast in your breakfast. Just a single cooked egg contains 0.70 mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 7% DV.

2.) Mushrooms High in Vitamin B5:

It is one of the best foods high in vitamin B5. It serves important nutrients to our diet and one among them is vitamin B5. Just 100 grams of mushrooms provide 3.59 mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 36% DV. If we talk about-about other varieties of mushrooms, then grilled portabella provides 15% DV, white mushrooms provide 34% DV, raw chanterelle provides 6% DV, while oyster mushrooms provide 11% DV. So, if you want to boost the levels of vitamin B5 in your body, then simply add this food to your diet. Also, remember that there are certain mushrooms that grow in wild areas, just try to avoid them at any cost, as they are poisonous. Pick up some healthy and tasty mushrooms from the supermarket and make them a part of your diet.

3.) Fish High in Vitamin B5:

Fish is a very delicious seafood which is less in calories and serves some of the best nutrients to your body. Just 100 grams of trout fish serves 2.24 mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 22% DV. If we talk about other varieties of fish, then salmon contains 16% DV of vitamin B5, farmed salmon contains 13% DV, and tuna contains around 3 oz. of vitamin B5.

4.) Chicken and Turkey (Rich Source of Vitamin B5):

Both of these foods are very popular foods among non-vegetarians. They are rich in several important nutrients. They are best foods high in vitamin B5 pantothenic acid. Just a single cooked chicken drumstick serves 0.55mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 6% DV. If we talk about different parts of a chicken then chicken breast serves around 9% DV while chicken leg and thigh serve around 11% DV. If we talk about different parts of turkey then turkey leg serves 10% DV while turkey light meat serves 8% DV.

5.) Avocados High in Vitamin B5:

Avocados have rich nutritional values. Just a single avocado serves 1.99 mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 20% DV. So, add this healthy food to your diet and make it a part of your diet. Avocados are one of the best foods high in vitamin B5.

6.) Lean Pork High in Vitamin B5:

Lean pork is another one of best animal-based dishes. Just 100 grams of cooked lean pork serves around 1.65 mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 17% DV. So, add this amazing food to your diet as it is one of the best foods high in vitamin B5.

7.) Cheese High in Vitamin B5:

Though, cheese is quite a fatty food. But, it is a great source of vitamin B5. Just add it to pizzas, sandwiches, and several other recipes. Gjetost is one of the best sources of vitamin B5 as it provides around 3.35 mg of it that is equivalent to 34% DV.

8.) Sweet Potato High in Vitamin B5:

Just one baked sweet potato provides around 1.01 mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 10% DV. Though it is high in calories, but it is a great source of vitamin B5. So, add it to your diet to get vitamin B5.

9.) Sunflower Seeds High in Vitamin B5:

Though they are not such a popular snack but they are loaded with certain important nutrients. Just 100 grams of sunflower seeds serve 7.06mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 71% DV. So, add them to your diet.

10.) Beef High in Pantothenic Acid:

Just beef and beef cuts are great sources of vitamin B5. Just a piece of cooked veal shoulder may serve up to 2.93 mg of vitamin B5 that is equivalent to 29% DV. So, add this food to your diet to get a good amount of vitamin B5.

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