Acne Treatment: Best Home Remedies for Acne Treatment for Teens

Sleeping Well for Acne Treatment

Now days, so many people are suffering from acne problem. Best acne treatment has a big value for all those people. The acne treatment can give us a clear and soft skin. Also, treatment on the face can increase the beauty of a face. The best way to treat acne is with home remedies. Home products are also free from chemicals and other toxic material. Home remedies are best for acne treatment to get rid of acne and also to prevent in their growth.

Best Home Remedies For Acne Treatment

Lemon or Orange Juice for Acne Treatment

Lemon for Acne TreatmentLemon for Acne Treatment

This is the best and easiest home remedy for acne treatment. The lemon has a high quantity of acid, which will dry the acne overnight. Lemon juice will work as an antibiotic and kill the acne bacteria. Take fresh lemon juice in a bowl/spoon. Take a piece of cotton, dip it in lemon juice and apply lemon juice on pimples.

Potato for Acne Treatment

The potato has a great percentage of Vitamin C. Take a piece of potato, mash it and then apply it onto acne. Leave the potato for a few minutes then wash your skin gently with lukewarm water. Alternatively, you can apply potato at night and wash your face in the morning.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne Treatment

Apple cider vinegar is working in a similar way as lemon. It will kill the bacteria and dries out the skin and also prevent excess oil. It also helps to regulate the pH of the skin and it is the best home remedy for maintaining the pH of skin.

Garlic for Acne Treatment

Garlic is very useful for the skin in so many ways. It works as an antibiotic and anti-fungal medicine for the skin. It is also helps in keeping the skin clean. Garlic use is very simple, take some garlic cloves and crush them. Mix the crushed cloves with water and apply them to the infected skin area.

Tea Tree Oil for Acne Treatment

Tea tree oil is a known name & also used as home remedies for many problems. Despite of so many other uses, it also use for acne care. It is the oil which finishes and reduces the “sebum” and opens the blocked pores. It also kills bacteria and save your skin from bacteria growth.

Cucumber for Acne Treatment

Cucumber is also used for acne treatment in the same way as we use potato. It used for cleaning dead skin cells as well as for opening pores. Take cucumber, crush it and then apply to the infected area.

Honey for Acne Treatment

Honey used as an anti-inflammatory home treatment for acne. It can eliminate the pimples and acne. It will keep your skin clean from pore blocking. You can make the mixture of honey with other products such as cinnamon, yogurt, tomato pulp, etc. to apply on skin. It is used as a natural acne treatment.

Tomato for Acne Treatment

The tomato has the acidity which is used for drying the acne. The tomato has Vitamin A, C and K which used for fast acne healing.

Olive Oil for Acne Treatment

Olive Oil used for the purpose of recovering scars and their spots. Mix the olive oil with salt and apply it to damage or spotty skin.

Cinnamon and Honey for Acne Treatment

Cinnamon and Honey mixture is used for removing acne. Mix the cinnamon powder and honey, now apply it on your acne before going to bed. In the morning, wash it with lukewarm water to get the desired result.

Sleeping Well to Treat Acne

Sleeping well will reduce the stress from your body, when your body reduces the stress, then it will directly reduce the sebum (Skin Oil) production. The sebum reduction will save your skin from acne.

Mixture of Yoghurt and Honey to Treat Acne

The mixture of Yogurt and Honey will help you to dry out the acne. The acid in yoghurt will dry out the acne while the fat will make your skin soft and moisturized.

Mixture of Strawberries with Honey to Treat Acne

This mixture is so simple and very good for acne home remedy. The strawberry has a high quantity of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid used for the medication of acne and for opening blocked pores. The honey in the mixture is working as an anti-inflammatory.

Using Banana Peel to Treat Acne

The Banana peel has a substance called lutein. The lutein reduces the inflammation. The peel of banana applied onto the acne area and rubs it smoothly. It will reduce and also heal the acne. The banana peel is the best remedy to heal acne.

Aloe Vera for Acne Treatment

Aloe Vera is used as a home remedy for acne treatment. Apply the Aloe Vera gel on the acne at night before going to bed. In the morning, wash it with lukewarm water.

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