How to Get Rid of Bees?

While every person has a certain responsibility in ensuring the ongoing health of the world’s busiest pollinator, no person should be placed ar risk of bee stings when bee invade living zones, especially where allergic people are at risk. Bees are an important part of the ecosystem that has garnered much attention in the media. While it is important to protect them, but that doesn’t mean you should share your living space with them. Some of the species can share your living space with them. Some of the species can damage your home or become hostile. But the good news is that they are generally less destructive than termites and rats. But the bad news is that they are sometimes difficult to remove. You can follow these methods to get rid of bees

Ways to Get Rid of Bees:

1.) Know your Bees

Before choosing any method to remove the colony of bees, it is important for you to identify the species of stinging insect, whether it is a bee, wasp or hornet. This knowledge will you a better estimate of damages or the threat of stings. As some species require specialized treatment.

Bumble Bee- They are only aggressive when they are threatened. They prefer to nest in loose, fluffy materials and occasionally underground.

Honey Bee- They are not aggressive and highly beneficial . their nest are heavy and produce thousands of workers. They are the only species where relocation from you home is the preferred method.

Carpenter Bee- These are oval shaped bees burrow into surface leaving perfect three eights inch holes. Carpenter bees are solitary and rarely damage structural beams. However individual nests can multiply, eventually, destroy the surrounding surface wood.

2.) Get Rid of Bees from Home

Dealing with a colony of bees living in your home can be easy and difficult, it also depends on whether the hive is exposed. When you will try to remove them, wear protective cloth and spray an exposed hive with pesticides after dusk to avoid stings. Watch the hive at dawn and dusk the next day fro any activity and spray again. It you find it necessary. Once you are sure the bees are dead, you should remove the hive to avoid the risk of honey or was melting and causing damage to your walls. This will help to prevent future infestation less likely.

In the case of a nest inside the walls, you will need to call professional. Under no circumstances should you plug the entry point, as this may lead any bees in the hive to seek another exit, possibly into your living areas

3.) Get Rid of Bees in Ground

It is a simple method to eliminating the ground bee problem is to purchase a chemical spray specifically labeled for ground bees. Ground bees are the species of yellow jacket and they can become aggressive when agitated. So make sure to dress protectively and spray protectively and keep in mind to spray at night.

  • Try to aim the chemical into the hive entrances spot they the spray can reach the nesting area. Watch the area around dusk or dawn over the next few days for movement and spray again if you needed. Keep in mind that bees who survive the spray will try to relocate their nest.
  • Keep in mind to not to under any circumstances to kill ground bees by pouring gasoline of other generic chemicals into the nest. Doing so will poison the ground and kill both animals and plant. It can also prove a fire or health hazard to humans.

4.) Get Rid of Bees in your Car

Eliminating bees from the car could be difficult for you, depend upon the location of the nest. It is dangerous and you should wear bulky, protective clothing and work at night if you are trying to approach the colony. Sprays such as raid will often eliminate the bees after a few uses. However, in the case of car nesting, the safest solution is to seek out a beekeeper or professional bee removal expert. Simply just driving or letting the motor run will not eliminate a colony and may agitate the bees.

5.) Get Rid of Beehives

It is important to remove a hive after killing the bee colony. This not only eliminate the dead large which easily decay and stink, but it also helps to prevent new colonies moving into the abandoned hive. Removing a wasp net is different from removing bee hives. So you need to need which insect you are dealing with aid to the removal process.

  • For the species of bee, the method of removal is all similar.  Once the hive is empty you can knock it down from a tree or other visible area. It is especially important to remove wax hives from your walls, as the wax and honey can melt and cause damage. That means opening a hole in the wall and then break the comb apart and remove it a piece at a time.
  • Wasp species nest such as the paper wasp hornet and yellow jacket can be dangerous to remove. Make sure that you have eliminated the colony and wear protective clothing in case you encounter a survivor. You can destroy and dislodge the empty hive. For ground bees, you can just simply pack the entrances with dirt. For the nest, in walls, you can use a vacuum to pull corpses from the hive and then seal any opening with caulk to prevent a new colony from forming.
  • A hive which is built inside of a tree hollow or other enclosed space outside of your home can be difficult to remove. In that types of case, the method you should use is to seal the hive. Find any openings which can give access to the hive and fill them with cement, caulk or a similar substance.

6.) Natural Bee Lure to Get Rid of Bees

Bees often relocate to be closer to their foods sources and are attracted to strong and sweet smells. You need to cut soft, ripe pears or mangoes into chunks and place them into an open sandwich bag. Place this lure from 15 to 20 feet away from hive. After a few days move the bait a few feet further. Continue this process to stop visiting the original location and have set up a new hive closer to the bag.

The more lethal form to lure is to fill a sugar water and basin and place it where the bees congregate. The bees will be attracted towards the water and drown. For best result, you can add some soap which will disrupt the water surface tension.

7.) Bee Repellent to Get Rid of Bees

While bees are attracted towards sweet smells, just like that they are equally repulsed by the pungent smells. One of the best methods is to get rid of bees is to liberally sprinkle some garlic powder in places where the bees congregate. They will not only avoid the area but direct application of the powder on bees could be lethal.

  • Control candles will not harm bees, but bees will avoid the area containing the smell. This will help to protect some area if you have a hive in your yard and may prove partially effective in forcing a colony to relocate if the candles are being burned close to the hive.
  • You can scatter a handful of cucumber peels as which is another form of repellent. The peels will give off a scent that bees and many other insects find repulsive. The downside of this method is that it is not easily used to make bees abandon their hive. However if used in the garden the degraded peels will help to fertilize your plants.

8.) Pesticide to Stop Bees Infestation

You can make your own pesticide. Add one teaspoon of vinegar or canola oil to a quart of water and place it into the spray bottle. When you will spray this mixture on them, it will not make it difficult for them to fly, but they also will suffocate. If you will add some dish soap to the mixture it will break the surface tension of the water droplets and make the spray even more effective. But you will need to attack bees directly from the spray.

9.) Soda Pop to Remove Bees

Cut an old soda bottle in half pieces and fill it with a sweet soda to get rid of bees. Place it near the nest on the ground in your garden, porch or patio. The bees will get attracted to the scent and eventually make their way toward it, and eventually, drown in the solution.

10.) Zapper to Kill Bees

Place or hang a bug zapper strip near the hive to get rid of bees. The bees will get caught in the sticky material and eventually die. You can buy it from any grocery or home improvement or drug store.

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