How to Get Rid of Period Cramps?

Period cramps are the pain in the body mainly lowers abdomen and lower back that is accompanied with menstruation also known as periods among women. Every month women experience menstruation. Cramps are common during menstruation. However, there are some who do not experience pain. While few have severe menstruation period cramps also known as menstruation cramps. During menstruation (bleeding) the uterine muscles start contracting. Women also have having bleeding during this time. When it comes to treating menstrual cramps nothing can be effective than home remedies. Most of the doctors advise to skip medicines. Read more, to know home remedies to get rid of period cramps.

Symptoms of Period Cramps:

Remedies to Get Rid of Period Cramps:

1.) Warm Compress to Get Rid of Period Cramps

Warm compress is an ideal remedy for period cramps. It relaxes the contraction of the muscles in the uterus. It also helps to regulate the flow of bleeding. When you experience menstrual cramps immediately place something warm on your lower abdomen.

Ways to Take Warm Compress:

  • Either place a heating pad on your lower abdomen and or back. Or if you are work place then fill warm water in the plastic bottle and use it instead. Leave it on until you find complete relief.
  • Eating something warm will also work. The best way is drink lots of lukewarm water. Or if you find convenient then you can place hot towel as well.
  • A quick hot shower will also work for you.

2.) Blackstrap Molasses to Get Rid of Period Cramps

Blackstrap molasses is also one of the quick remedies for menstrual cramps. It is packed with iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. All these minerals are essential for the body especially during the menstruation. Moreover, it calms down the muscles of uterine walls.

Ways to Use Blackstrap Molasses:

  • In a glass of lukewarm milk, mix a tablespoon of black strap molasses and drink this when the pain starts.
  • To prevent the pain or to reduce the intensity of cramps sip a tablespoon of black molasses before your menstruation.

3.) Ginger to Get Rid of Period Cramps

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the menstrual cramps. It lowers the level of prostaglandins that causes pain. Moreover, it also deals with other symptoms of period cramps such weakness, dizziness and fatigue. However, consume it in moderation.

Ways to Use Ginger:

  • Boil a cup of water and add a small piece of crushed ginger into it. Boil it for a while. Strain it and drink this ginger tea when it is still hot (hot enough to drink). The hot tea will work as hot compress internally.
  • Do add the ginger powder to your meals.
  • A ginger candy will also work.

4.) Chamomile Tea to Get Rid of Period Cramps

The antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties present in the chamomile tea makes it one of the ideal remedies for menstrual cramps.

Ways to Use Chamomile Tea:

  • Add chamomile leaves into a cup of boiling water. Steep it for a few minutes. Then strain and drink it.
  • You can also use chamomile tea bag.
  • Drink 2-3 cups of chamomile tea during the first two days of menstruation.

5.)  Cinnamon to Get Rid of Period Cramps

The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties of the cinnamon make it an ideal remedy for menstrual cramps. Moreover, it has iron, manganese and dietary fiber that help to encounter weakness and pain.

Ways to Use Cinnamon:

  • Boil a cup of water; add 1/th tbsp of cinnamon to it. Steep it for a while. Drink this tea when it is still hot.
  • A mixture of honey and cinnamon in water will also help you to deal with period cramps. In a glass of lukewarm water, add a dash of cinnamon and a tbsp of honey. Mix it well and drink it.
  • Drink this 3-4 times during the first two days of periods.

6.) Parsley to Get Rid of Period Cramps

The compounds i.e. myristicin and apiol present in the parsley work as a natural pain-killer. It stimulates the menstrual process and helps to regulate the irregular menstrual cycles as well.

Ways to Use Parsley:

  • In a cup of boiled water, add some fresh parsley leaves. Steep it for a few minutes. Strain it and sip it hot.
  • Drink this herbal tea 3-4 times during the first day of menstruation.

7.) Basil to Get Rid of Period Cramps

Basil also helps to encounter the menstrual cramps. It has pain killing properties. It also helps to get rid of the bad breath which common during the menstruation.

Ways to Use Basil:

  • Boil a cup of water; add a handful of basil leaves to it. Steep this solution for a while. Strain it and drink this hot.
  • The easiest way to use basil leaves is simply chewed it. It will also provide you relief from the menstrual pain.

8.) Flaxseed to Get Rid of Period Cramps

If the intensity of the pain is high then flaxseeds help to reduce the intensity. However, if you experience mild pain then it will prevent the occurrence. It has essential fatty acids which help it to do so. It improves the function of uterine.

Ways to Use Flaxseeds:

  • Gulp a tablespoon of flaxseeds during the menstrual pain.
  • If you cannot gulp it then sprinkle it with your meal, soup and salad.

9.) Fennel Seeds to Get Rid of Period Cramps

Another home remedy that can help your relief the menstrual cramps is fennel. It has a number of properties like anti-inflammatory, phytoestrogens and antispasmodic properties promotes the healing process. Also, it relaxes the uterus muscles which help to relieve the discomfort and pain.

Ways to Use Fennel:

  • In a cup of boiling water add a tbsp of fennel. Switch off the burner and cover the container. Steep it for a few minutes. Then strain the solution and drink it.
  • Chew a handful of fennel seeds prior to your menstruation .It will prevent the occurrence of the pain.

10.) Papaya to Get Rid of Period Cramps

Papaya is packed with all the essential nutrients and properties that come handy in dealing menstrual cramps.

Ways to Use Papaya:

  • Consume fresh papaya before and during the menstruation.
  • Alternatively, drink papaya juice.

Essential Tips to Get Rid of Pain:

  • Regular exercise or just a brisk walk can help you to prevent the menstrual cramps.
  • Avoid strenuous tasks during the menstruation
  • Avoid use of any drugs or medicine to treat the menstrual cramps.
  • Drink lots of water. It will promote the flow of bleeding and help to treat the pain.
  • Avoid spicy and junk foods.
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