How to Get Rid of Whiteheads?

In this article, we are discussing several ways to get rid of whiteheads fast and naturally. Whiteheads are also famous as closed comedones. They are solid white bumps caused by a compilation of oil and dead skin cells. They generally take on a yellow or white color. Whiteheads are more frequent with the people who have oily skin. Whiteheads are a form of pimple and blackhead. They are caused due to blocked pores. Never pop your white heads it may leads to infection, pimples and even blemishes. If whiteheads come out on your skin, need not to worry, you can get rid of whiteheads by following the remedies mentioned in this article.

People suffering from acne are also experiencing blackheads or whiteheads, but both are different. Whiteheads are formed due to infertile hair follicles and dead skin cells. Whiteheads are formed beneath the skin and can be seen as white bumps on the nose, forehead or cheeks. People with hyper sebaceous glands and surplus sebum production are more likely to develop whiteheads.

Basically, this happens due to genetic factors or hormonal change. Generally, whiteheads are very common. However, whiteheads can also form due to, unhealthy skin, stress, excess smoking, and dirt particulates, etc. They are not harmful at all and are very easy to cure. If you are experiencing whiteheads, the good news is that it can be treated easily at home. Re-occurrence can also be prevented by using the natural remedies given in this article. Read this article to know the top ways to get rid of whiteheads fast and naturally at home.

Top Remedies to Get Rid of Whiteheads

1. Egg and Honey Mix to Prevent Whiteheads

Eggs and Honey are a perfect solution to treat whiteheads. Both egg and honey are known to have whitehead-clearing skills. So try this method, take the same amounts of egg and honey. Mix it well. Apply this solution on all over your face and keep it for 15-20 mins. Now, rinse it off with warm water after. Your pores will shrink and whiteheads will go away.

2. Olive Oil and White Sugar to Get Rid of Whiteheads

This is a natural remedy for the removal of whiteheads. Make your own scrub mixture at home by adding 1 tablespoon of white or brown sugar, olive oil. Mix both the mixture well. Take this solution and massage gently on the whitehead area with your fingers moving in circular motion. You can also use a soft toothbrush to rub the affected area gently. Do this process for 2-3 times a day to get rid of whiteheads fast and naturally.

3. Fenugreek Leaves to Remove Whiteheads Naturally

It is said that fenugreek leaves can help reduce whiteheads efficiently. To try this method, take some dried fenugreek leaves or seed and put them in a cup of boiling water. Now grind seeds to make a fine paste. Now, apply it directly to the whitehead affected area. For best results leave it for overnight and rinse it next morning scrubbing gently and slowly. Try this process for a few days to get rid of whiteheads fast and naturally.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Whiteheads

Apple cider vinegar works as an astringent and helps removes excess oil from the skin. Moreover, it’s antibacterial properties help fight against the acne and other skin problems. To try this method, put some 2 tablespoons of ACV in a cup of warm water. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it on the affected area. Leave this mixture for 10-15 mins. Rinse it off using lukewarm water. This is one of the best remedies to get rid of whiteheads fast at home.

Alternatively, you can also make a paste out of ACV and corn starch. Taker 2 tablespoons of ACV and 2 tablespoons of corn starch. Mix it well and make a fine paste.  Apply this mixture on your face. Keep this paste for 20 minutes. Now, wash your face scrubbing it off. Wash your face properly using warm water. Do this process once a day to treat whiteheads easily at home.

5. Baking Soda to Treat Whiteheads Fast

Baking soda is really a useful home remedy for the removal of whiteheads faster. It also helps keep the pH balance of the skin. To try this method, take 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda with a small amount of water to make a smooth and thick paste. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Then, wash it off with warm water. If you wish, you can also massage on the whitehead areas with it in a circular motion for a few minutes. Repeat this process daily to remove whiteheads fast and naturally.

6. Sugar Scrub to Remove Whiteheads

A homemade sugar scrub can do wonders for you. Sugar scrub helps provide you glowing skin as well as clean skin. It also works great for removing excessive oil and clogged pores from the face without drying the skin. To try this method, take some amount of sugar and honey and mix together. Now, slowly and gently scrub your face with this mixture in a circular motion. Leave it for 10-15 mins. Now, wash it off with wet cloth and wash your face with warm water. Do this process daily to treat whiteheads fast and naturally.

7. Facial Steam to Cure Whiteheads Naturally

A facial steam is one of the best natural treatments to get rid of whiteheads fast. It helps open up the clogged pores and helps remove the excess dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Take some hot boiled water and bend over it covering your head with the cloth or any towel. Let steam soak up in your face for 10-15 mins. Now, dab your face with dry cloth or towel. Do this process once daily to get rid of whiteheads fast and naturally.

Alternatively, you can steep a soft, clean towel in hot water, rinse out the extra water and place it over your face. Keep this cloth for 10-15 mins. Repeat this method for 2-3 times a day to get rid of whiteheads at home fast.

8. Drink Water to Get Rid of Whiteheads

Water is important as it keeps your skin healthy and clean. It also helps flushes out the harmful pollutants from the body. Make sure you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day for a super healthy and soft skin. You can also drink other fluids like vegetable and fruit juices, which provides you a healthy glow on your face.

9. Lemon, Milk and Salt Mix to Treat Whiteheads

Lemon juice is very useful for removing whiteheads from your cheeks, nose and face. To try this method, take a slice of lemon and some amount of salt. Mix both the ingredients well. Now, rub it gently on the affected area for 10 mins moving in circular motion. Leave this mixture for 15 mins and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this method for 2-3 times a day for better results. This is one of the great remedies to treat whiteheads.

10. Tomatoes to Get Rid of Whiteheads

This is one of the easiest remedies to get rid of whiteheads fast. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and are very good for a healthy skin. To try this method, just take a slice of tomato and rub the pulp of a tomato on the affected area. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and then wash it off with normal water. Repeat this process daily to treat whiteheads fast at home.

11. Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Whiteheads Fast

Lemon is rich in alpha hydroxyl acids, it helps exfoliate the skin and also promotes new cell generation. Due to its astringent properties it also helps get rid of excess oil. Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it directly on your face. Keep it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it with cold water. Do this method daily before going to bed. Continue for at least a few months for better results. This is one of the best treatments for removing whiteheads from nose and face.

12. Tea Tree Oil to Remove Whiteheads Naturally

Tea tree oil acts as a natural contracting lotion to reduce the oiliness and get rid of whiteheads. Due to its antiseptic properties, tea tree oil will also help fight acne and other skin related issues. Soak a cotton ball in water and put 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on it. Place it on the affected area. Keep it for at least for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with normal water. Do this twice regularly to get rid of whiteheads at home fast and naturally.

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