How to Treat a Spider Bite?

Spiders don’t feed on human like some biting insects. Spider usually bite as a defense mechanism. Most spider bites are medically known as arachnidism, and not a matter of concern. They cause mild symptoms like limited inflammation, pain, itching, redness. Depending on the type of spider, the may last a few hours to several days or even weeks.  However, bites form the poisonous spiders like brown recluse or black widow spiders that are generally live in undisturbed areas are dangerous. In that type of cases, it is recommended that to get medical help, especially if you experience symptoms like intense pain, severe swelling, stiffness, muscle spasm, fever and chills, vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty in breathing and lightheadedness.

At times the bite may not appear to be serious immediately but may become severe after some time. when you are treating spider bites, the main goal in is to neutralize the bite and get rid of any toxins in the body. There are many effective home remedies to ease the symptoms and promote healing. You can treat a spider bite using these remedies.

Ways to Treat a Spider Bite:

1.) Ice Pack to Cure a Spider Bite

When you are bitten by a spider, so the first thing you need to do is to clean the wound with mild soap and water. then apply an ice pack on the affected are. the cold temperature will help to numb the nerve endings, it will soothe the itching sensation and reduce the inflammation of swelling.

  • You need to wrap a few pieces of ice cubes in a thin towel and place it on the affected area for about 10 minutes at a time. repeat this process as needed during the initial 24 hours.
  • You can put the affected area under the cool running water for a few minutes.
  • Keep in mind that don’t apply ice directly on the skin.

2.) Baking Soda to Cure Spider Bite

Baking soda is an effective remedy to treat a spider bite. This is an alkaline substance which can help to draw out the venom, which will help to reduce the pain, inflammation, and itching.

  • Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with 3 teaspoons of water.
  • Take a cotton and dip in this solution and apply it on the affected area for 5 minutes.
  • Wash the area with lukewarm water.
  • If the discomfort persists, then repeat after a few hours.

3.) Salt to Treat a Spider Bite

Salt is also very effective remedy due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.  it can effectively draw the venom out of a spider bite to promote a quick recovery. It can also reduce the inflammation and redness.

  • Wash the affected area thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Sprinkle some table salt on a wet washcloth
  • Bandage this cloth to the affected part for a couple of hours, then remove it.
  • Use this remedy as needed.

4.) Activated charcoal to Cure a Spider Bite

Activated charcoal is another very effective remedy to treat a spider bite. It has an innate absorption property that can hep to draw out and remove the toxic substances from the body. When the toxic substances will get out of the body, inflammation, and tenderness reduce automatically.

  • take activated charcoal and add enough amount of water in it. then apply it on the affected area after cleaning it thoroughly with warm water. put a bandage over the affected area to keep the paste in place. Repeat every 3 minutes for the first day to neutralize the toxin. Use this remedy next day also if needed.
  • You can also take capsules of activated charcoal but first, consult your doctor.

5.) Potato to Get Rid of Spider Bite

Using starchy potato is also a very effective remedy to treat a spider bite. It can bring down the itching and inflammation and soothing properties. it keeps the affected area moisturized to encourage quick healing.

  • Take one large potato and peel the skin of it and wash it thoroughly.
  • Grate the potato using a grater.
  • Then put a handful of the wet potato shreds into a piece of thin cloth and tie it.
  • First, clean the affected area with the rubbing alcohol and put eh potato poultice on it.
  • Leave it until the potato begins to dry.
  • Discard the old potato poultice and clean the are with warm water.
  • Reapply a fresh poultice and repeat until the symptoms are gone.

6.) Aspirin to Treat a Spider Bite

You can also relieve minor symptoms of spider bites with the help aspirin. It can also neutralize the venom to promote the quick recovery. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can effectively control the swelling and inflammation.

  • Soak 1 to 2 aspirin tablets with a little water to form a paste.
  • Apply this paste on the affected area.
  • Then leave it on for a couple of hours.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat it 1 to 2 more times, if needed.

7.) Turmeric to Cure a Spider Bite

This spice works as a natural painkiller and contains antiseptic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. it can promote the recovery by reducing swelling, pain, and inflammation.

  • You need to mix 1 to 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder with enough amount of olive oil to make a paste. apply this paste on the affected area. Let it sit for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
  • Or you can use another option. mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with a handful of thoroughly washed Indian Lilac leaves and a little water in a blender to make a thick paste. apply this paste on the affected area, leave it on for about 2o minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat these remedies few times a day to treat a spider bite.

8.) Lemon juice to Get Rid of Spider Bite

You can use lemon juice to keep the swelling, itching, and inflammation at bay. Being a natural astringent, it can help to quickly dry out the skin rashes caused by spider bites and prevent infection.

  • Extract the juice from a fresh lemon, then apply this juice on the affected area with the help of cotton ball. Allow it to dry and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Or you can use another method. you can take a piece of lemon and rub it on the affected area for about 2 to 3 minutes. wait for about 5 minutes then rinse it off.
  • Use these remedy few times a  day

9.) Aloe vera to Treat a Spider Bite

You can use aloe vera gel to treat spider bites. Aloe vera gel has natural anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties and soothing properties that can help to reduce swelling pain and itching. It can even aid in faster healing by keeping the affected area moisturized.

  • Take an aloe vera leaf and thoroughly wash it.
  • Cut it into slices to extract the gel.
  • Apply this fresh gel on the affected area.
  • Reapply this few times a day for a few days.
  • You can store the remaining gel in the refrigerator

10.) Peppermint to Cure a Spider Bite

Peppermint has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to relive the pain, swelling, and inflammation. It even soothes and calms the itchiness caused by spider bites.

  • Rub the freshly extracted peppermint juice on the spider bite. Leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse it off with cool water. use this remedy once or twice a day.
  • Or you can use another option, apply one to two drops of peppermint oil directly on the affected area 2 to 3 times a day
  • Keep in mind to spot test before applying peppermint oil directly on the skin.


  • Keep an eye on the bite for a couple of days to keep a check on how well the symptoms are healing.
  • Try to memorize the appearance of the spider that has bitten you. This will help to the treatment plan.
  • To prevent spider bites, you need to wear a long sleeve shirt and pants, gloves and boots, a hat when handling stored boxes or firewood.
  • Be careful when you are cleaning out sheds, basements, garages, attics and crawl spaces.
  • Inspect and shake out the gardening tools that are not in use for a while.
  • Install tight-fitting screens on window and doors to keep spider out of the house.
  • Discard old boxes, clothing, and other unwanted items from storage areas.
  • Remove piles and rocks from your garden area.
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