Natural Remedies for Pink Eye Treatment

In this article, we are discussing various home remedies for pink eye. Pink eye is also known as conjunctivitis. It is the soreness of the conjunctiva, which is the outmost layer of the eye that cover up the white part of the eye  known as the Sclera. This layer helps with greasing of the eye by producing mucus and tears, and also helps to stop microbes from inflowing the eye.  When the conjunctiva is inflamed and red, it means that it was infected and irritated. Many individuals do not even cure this infection due to the fact that it goes away on its own in 7 to 10 days without treating. But the fact is that it is very common, and can be infectious to others also. On the other hand, the truth is that it weakens your overall immune system.

Types of Pink Eye:

  • Viral pink eye: Which is very infectious, is caused by a virus known as  Adenovirus.
  • Bacterial pink eye: It is caused by bacteria, is very transmittable and spreads easily. It happens when the bacteria go into the eye or the area around the eye.
  • Allergic pink eye: It is the infection caused by dust, pollen or animal dander. These allergic reactions can be seasonal.

Symptoms of Viral Pink Eye:

  • Itching
  • Redness in the white of the eye.
  • Clear or slightly thick drainage
  • A lot of tearing
  • Burning feeling of the eyelids
  • Swollen areas in front of the ears

Best Home Remedies for Pink Eye Treatment:

1. Salt to Get Rid of Pink Eye Fast

This is one of the best treatment to get rid of pink eye fast and naturally at home. Salt is well-known for its antibacterial properties. So it helps you relief pink eye, as long as you do not mind the itching. To use this method, take a cup of boiled water and put a half teaspoon of salt and mix it well. Let the water dissolve properly and let it cool down. Now, wash your affected eye or put some drops of this solution with the help of eye dropper for 2-3 times a day. Repeat this process to reduce the symptoms of pink eye fast and naturally.

2. Potato to Treat Pink Eye

To treat pink eye, you have to compromise with your love for mashed potatoes and French-fries separately. This is a different type of natural home remedy or a recipe for pink eye. To use this method, take one potato and cut it into thin slices. Now, place these slices directly on the affected eye for few minutes. It will help you reduce redness and swelling. Remove slices after use. Apply potato quite a few times during the day to see positive results. This is one of the great home remedies for pink eye.

3. Boric Acid to Prevent Pink Eye Fast

Boric is another beneficial remedy to get rid of pink eye fast at home. This acid is also known as hydrogen borate. It is a weak acid of boron that works as an antiseptic for small cuts and burns. As an antiseptic compound, it is common for treating acne, Athlete’s foot and ear infection. To use this method, mix boric acid with warm water and wash it as eyewash for several times a day to treat pink eye fast and naturally.

4. Calendula to Cure Pink Eye Naturally

It is one of the most helpful remedy to treat pink eye at home. Calendula is a sage with antiseptic and antiviral properties. It helps treat infection and heal conjunctivitis. Additionally, as an anti-inflammatory, it cools eye discomfort and irritation. Take some hot water and soak two teaspoons of dried up Calendula flowers for 15-20 mins. Let it cool down and then strain the mixture. Use this solution as an eyewash various times throughout the day. You can also soak a fresh cloth in this mixture when it is still hot and use it as a hot compress.

5. Honey Pink to Reduce Eye Fast

Honey is great due to its antibiotic and antiseptic properties. When mixing with water and milk, it can be a very helpful treatment for conjunctivitis. One can put honey directly into eyes, or make an eyewash from 2 cups of water and 3 tablespoons of honey. After boiling, mix it and allow it  to cool down. Use it as an eyewash numerous times a day. You can change the water with milk for the same process. Warm milk can also work great as a compress or an eyewash. This is also a great remedy to reduce pink eye fast.

6. Castor Oil to Treat Pink Eye Naturally

Castor oil is a great ingredient to cure pink eye. It is excellent for to stop eye irritation, to use this remedy simply put 1 drops in the affected eye 2-3 times a day for fast effective results.

7. Aloe Vera to Avoid Pink Eye

Aloe vera is a helpful ingredient to improve the pink eye. It is great for reducing itchy skin, inflammation and to treat pink eye. To use this remedy, take an aloe vera leaf and extract some gel from the leaf. Now, put few drops of aloe gel in the pink eye. Wash it off with cold water after 5-7 mins. This is one of the most useful treatment for pink eye at home.

8. Cucumber to Get Rid of Eye Pink Naturally

This is one of the most common ingredients and natural remedies for pink eye that powerfully treats eye irritation, soreness, inflammation and swelling. To use this method, cut some slices of cucumber and place them in refrigerator for about 15 minutes. Then place the cucumber slices over closed eyelids. Repeat this process for 2-3 times a day to see positive results.

9. Breast Milk to Treat Pink Eye Fast

This remedy is best for babies with pink eye. It is considered to be highly helpful to get rid of pink eye. Many doctors recommend that breast milk has curing properties that help treat minor sickness, including ear infections and pink eye. Because mother milk consists of certain antibodies, mainly immunoglobulin E. Put 1-2 drops of breast milk in the infected eye. Repeat as desired. This is one of the great remedies to treat pink eye in babies.

10. Golden seal to Cure Pink Eye Naturally

This perennial plant consists of anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antimicrobial properties. Golden seal also includes berberine that fights  this illness, and kills the germs that cause conjunctivitis. To use this method, bring some water to boil with 2 teaspoons of golden sea. When the mixture cools down mix chamomile, comfrey and steep it for 15 mins. Strain this mixture and use as an eye drops. Put 2 drops for 2-3 times a day to get rid of pink eyes.

11. Tea bags to Reduce Pink Eye Fast

Using tea bags is also beneficial for the treatment of pink eye. Green and black teas contain bio flavonoids that fight against bacterial and viral infections, thus reducing inflammation. To use this method, take a used tea bag or new and boil in a cup of boiling water. Let the tea bag cools down. Now, place warm tea bag over the affected eye for 10 mins. Repeat this process for 3-4 times a day to reduce irritation and redness of the eye. You can also use it as an eye wash.

12. Probiotics to Treat Pink Eye

Probiotics are great to treat pink eye fast and naturally. They also help reduce the count of bad bacteria by increasing the number of good bacteria in the affected area. Popular probiotics are kefir and colostrums. Hot compresses can help with dry and drainage secretions. To try this remedy, take a lukewarm washcloth water and place over the eye for 5 minutes. A cold compress will help with swelling, itching and burning sensation.

13. Diet to Get Rid of Pink Eye Naturally

To lessen the infection and reduce the harshness of the symptoms. The patient should try to avoid sugary or starchy foods that include potatoes, white bread, cakes, puddings and jams as well. There are numerous foods that will help in diminish the symptoms. These foods include raw vegetable juices including spinach and carrot juice. Studies says that foods with Vitamin A and B2 i.e: whole milk, carrot, butter, pumpkin, mango, tomato, papaya, green vegetables, citrus fruit, milk, bananas, almonds etc. are great for to cure conjunctivitis.

Some Other Useful Tips to Get Rid of Pink Eye:

  • Avoid sharing personal stuff like hand towels, tissues and wash cloths.
  • Always cover your nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing or touching your mouth.
  • Try to avoid direct eye contact with anybody. It may infect another person so try to wear sunglasses.
  • Wash your hands properly with soap, especially in public places.
  • Keep a hand antiseptic handy and use it frequently.
  • Keep your surface clean such as bathroom, shared phones and faucet handles with a suitable antiseptic cleaner.
  • While swimming wear swim goggles to protect yourself from the microorganisms and bacteria that can cause conjunctivitis.
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