How to Get Your Ex Back?

It has been quite a while since your breakup and your all efforts to move on have been in vain. You tried to find your soul mate, even tried dating other people still nothing helped you out. The fact is you still miss your ex and you want her/him badly in your life back again. Everything’s not going to fall into right place if you won’t take any step. Maybe your ex also wants the same but is hesitant to try asking to get back because you broke up. Or if your partner broke up still he or she might be regretting the fact. If you do not try you will never know. First of all, try to analyze why your break up took place and is it good to get back along with that person? If you think yes! then follow on this article to get your ex back.

Steps to Get Your Ex Back

1.) Self Analyze the whole Scene

When you broke up whose fault was it? Is it okay to get back? Do you still love your ex? There might be many questions running through your mind right now. Think everything carefully before taking any decision. When you want to get your ex back you need to have calm mind and peace within you. There could be much reason which leads to the breakup as it is never a sudden decision. When you broke up you must have been devastated still you did it and there must be something which made you do it. If you are willing to be a better person this time then only think of coming back into relationship otherwise it is better to move on. If it was your fault then get ready for apologizing to get your ex back.

2.) Start with a Text to Get Your Ex Back

If you will be absent for a long time from your partner’s life then there is a huge chance that they would get someone else to move on. Therefore, it is necessary to reconnect and stay in touch with your ex if you want to keep them in your life. To reconnect with your ex after break up send your ex-partner a text. Keep your text simple and do not make it look desperate.

Do not let your text sound as if you want to get back with your ex desperately. Just keep it casual, try sharing an important memory which you both shared. Text his or her saying that you went to the same restaurant and it reminded you of him/her. Wait for your ex to respond and act according to the way your ex-responds. If he or she replies in a positive manner then he/she wants to get back together too. And if there is negative or no reply then you need to work hard.

3.) Do not Rush to Get Your Ex Back

If you think that just a text would mend every broken thread then you are wrong. It would take long to heal the wound. You should not rush into anything as it might even complicate the issue. Do not propose just to get together or to start over all of a sudden. Since there has not been a lot of time since your breakup it means your ex is still angry with you.

First, try to put out the fire then think of something building over it. Pushing anything can break it for always, therefore; it is wise to work slowly to reach your goal. Slow and steady wins the race and when you will work bit by bit then you will definitely win your ex back. Also, do not lose patience while working for it. Losing patience might turn the game against you and you might never get your ex back.

4.) Try Being Friend Technique

It is hard to be friends with your ex and most of the time almost impossible. Still trying to be at least friends would keep you both talking and in touch which is needed for now. When you both will start talking then your ex might start feeling something for you. The memories will start flashing in front of both of your eye. After breakup people usually, try to stop having communication and start ignoring the person totally. Therefore, it is wise not to cut all the communication. If you have already cut all the communication then start it as soon as possible and try to be at least friends. This way even if you cannot get back together as a couple still you will not lose that person from your life.

5.) Apologize You Ex

It must be your fault too in the breakup, nothing happens one sided. When you want to get your ex back then you need to apologize genuinely to make your ex-feel better. Do not do it for the sake of formality rather do it from your heart. Apologize genuinely, wholeheartedly to make your ex-feel better. Also, make them feel that you have really done wrong and you are sorry about it. But do not take the blame for your ex’s fault.

Only be responsible to your fault, not anyone else’s. When you really feel that it was your fault too then there is nothing wrong in apologizing. Try to apologize in person’s face to face but if your ex-does not agree to meet then write an apology letter or call her or him up to ask for forgiveness. If you are really sorry and your ex would feel it too then you will be forgiven easily and you might even get back together.

6.) Don’t Tell, Show that You’ve Changed

Do not tell your ex that you have changed and had become a better person as he/she won’t believe it. Instead of telling, show it to your ex that you really have changed. Words mean nothing in front of the action. When you can let your action speak then you do not need to worry about your words impresses or not? If you know that what are the things which made your partner go away the get rid of that as soon as possible. If you do not know what is wrong with you and what made your partner leave then ask it from your partner. Try to be a better version of you and do not get stuck in the same problem again and again. You must have promised your ex-millions of times that you would change your annoying behavior those vague promises won’t do this time.

7.) Be Romantic to Get Your Ex Back

Your romantic side can melt your ex’s heart and can help to get your ex back. Send chocolates or flowers to their office to make them feel special. Write a letter to your ex-saying how much he or she means to you. Tell your ex that why no one else can fill their gap in your life and why he/she is so special to you. This will definitely make your ex realize that you still are not over him/her and you love him/her badly. Your romantic part can even make your ex-love you more and they would even want to get back to you. Do not be late to do this otherwise; your ex can get a new partner by that time.

Points to Keep in Mind to Get Your Ex Back

  • Do not beg no matter what happens. If it was caused by you and you are only one responsible for it then only consider doing it.
  • Be yourself to get your ex back. Do not become a different personality to get back ex in your life.
  • Do not lose patience in the whole process.
  • Try to get your ex back if you really want it to happen.
  • Self-analyzes the situation first before taking any step.
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