How to Make Your ex Boyfriend want You Back?

How to Make Your ex Boyfriend want You Back

If you are the one who broke up with him or he is the one who broke up with you getting him want you back could be hard if he has not shown any interest till now. Once you have broken apart and ended things between you both then getting your ex back can be a tough task to do. But as it is said nothing is impossible thus there are few ways which will help you to get your ex-want you back no matter what? Do these following steps to make your ex boyfriend want you back.

How to Make Your ex Boyfriend want You BackHow to Make Your ex Boyfriend want You Back

Steps to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Get You Back

1.) Make Yourself Better to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

You need to be a better version of you than anyone else to get your ex boyfriend back. You can try to work out to get a hotter body than before and make your ex go crazy for you. You can show him that you have changed for good and it will him to decide whether he wants to stay with you or not? He would be blown away by seeing a hotter version of you and he would definitely want to get you back. Not only for getting into a relationship but also for yourself one should keep progressing in his or her life. You too should try to be a better person not only because you want him to get you back but because development is good.

2.) Keep Distance for a While

If he will find that you are a person who is always around him and nagging him all the time then he may get upset and start avoiding you. In the starting give yourself a bit space from your boyfriend to realize what is happening in your life and what would actually be better for you. Maybe you are addicted to him, therefore, you want to be with him and there is no love. Take time to figure out your true feelings for him. Try to know if it would be better to be alone or to get back into the same relationship.

3.) Forgive Each Other to Make Him want You Back

This is probably a better way to get your ex boyfriend back. You both will not even get back together if you do not forgive each other’s mistakes. Try to forgive your boyfriend’s mistakes and if you were at fault then ask him to forgive you. Everyone can commit mistakes once in a life and it is the responsibility of both to keep and maintain a healthy relationship. To get you ex boyfriend to want you back show him your kind side and forgiving one as well.

4.) Try Contacting Him to Make Your Ex Boyfriend want You Back

You would not gain anything without trying to build contact again. Time matters a lot and two week’s gap is perfect to contact your ex. This is the time he still has fresh feelings for you and maybe he too wants to get you back. You won’t know till you try, therefore try initiating a talk with him and get to know his emotional condition. He may pretend in the start that he is not interested in getting back together but eventually he will show his true emotions. Try to talk to him about getting back together and tell him you still love him.

5.) Take a Fresh Start

Starting the same old way might put you both into the same old fights which you do not want again. Therefore a new start would be better to make your ex want you back. Since now you both have started seeing each other then it would be wise to talk about your relationship and talk about how you both can make it better and have a long-lasting one this time. Do not take your relationship for granted this time and try to make it special and best. You both have realized that how much you love each other and it would be great if you work this time to keep your relationship happy.

6.) Find out the Cause of Your Breakup

Finding out what went wrong between both of you would help you to reach to the better conclusion to get your ex back. When you keeping a bit distance with your boyfriend and analyzing what is best for both of you then also think about what could be the cause which leads you both to the breakup. Figuring out what went wrong would help you to avoid doing it next time. When you know the exact cause you will know what happened between you exactly and where and how it went wrong you can talk to your partner about it. When you go back together then especially avoid making the same mistakes.

7.) Start Going Out Together to Make Your Ex Boyfriend want You Back

Try to keep your relationship friendly with him in the start. Start your conversation from a casual hello to a short conversation and then long talks. Try to say goodbye before he says it as it will make him sad to see you go and he might start loving you again. You can either ask him out for a drink or let him ask you out for a date. You can make him wonder with the positive changes inside you. Start moving out like friends does not jump into bed in the first meeting.

8.) Make Him Jealous to Get Him Back

Do not make him jealous by going out with someone else that would make him move on from you as he might think that you have moved on started dating someone else. Spend time with your group of friends and make him feel that you are so cool and he misses you a lot. Let his friends praise you and he would realize what he is missing you. You can try bit flirting with his friends or dance in front of him with other guys to make him jealous. You can even make him jealous by posting your photos with your guy friends on your social media accounts.

9.) Dress Sexy & Better to Make Your Ex Boyfriend want You Back

Changing your dressing and hairstyle would be great to make your boyfriend fall for your again. To make your ex boyfriend want you back try changing how you dress up and how you look. Get a new better haircut which will change your look. Start dressing for your boyfriend and make him fall for your looks. Get new dresses which will make him go crazy. You can even try wearing short dresses to make your boyfriend get more attracted towards you. A new and a better look will definitely help you to get your ex back. Try to wear his favorite color to get his attention more.

10.) Avoid Making Same Mistakes Again

It would be terrific to commit same mistakes again when you get into a relationship. When you start spending time with each other then you both would be judging the changes happened between you both. If you want this relationship to work then do not even think of committing the same mistakes again or this would be the last time you both will be together. If it is your ex who is making same mistakes again then you need to gently make him realize that he is doing it again. He might get better with time.

Few Important Tips to Keep in Mind to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back

  • Do not pressurize yourself to get your ex back.
  • Love yourself the most.
  • Do not keep on waiting know when it is time to move on.
  • Do not forget to apologize if you commit any mistakes.
  • Do not take your relationship for granted.
  • Do not go too far when trying to make him jealous or he may never come back to you.
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