How to Make a Girl want You?

How to Make a Girl want You

Finally, your wait is over and you met an amazing girl who is just perfect for you. You like her like anything and want her to like you back too. Maybe you even tried to get her attention but failed to do so. To make a girl want you, you need to be more than just friends for her. You will have to be shining knight and armor in her eyes. Yes, you need to work a lot to get a girl go crazy after you. You not only need to look good but will have to work smart as well to make a girl want you. Follow the given tips in this article to get a girl want you.

How to Make a Girl want YouHow to Make a Girl want You

Steps to Make a Girl want You

1.) Be a Good Listener to Make a Girl want You

Girls like guys who are ready to listen. You all know men are from Mars and women are from Venus and it makes them a lot different. When men like to give solutions to the problem women just want to share it to let  it go. When a girl is telling you something then listen to it carefully. Being a good listener matters a lot to the girls especially when it comes to choosing a guy to date.

Try to listen what she wants to say and react according to it. Do not judge her it will make her nervous and she will not be sharing anything with you. Try to be a polite gentleman and lend all your ears to her. Also, pay her full attention while having a conversation with her. Make her feel that, that time nothing is important than her talks.

2.) Have Good Sense of Humor to Make a Girl want You

When you have a good sense of humor then it is easy for you to make any girl like you and go crazy for you. If you want to get a girl to like you then you need to make her laugh. If you can make a girl smile and laugh then you have already had nailed it. To make a girl like you make her laugh. If you are good with humor then it is great but when you are not much good at it then try improving it. You can even make fun of yourself to make a girl want you.

Remember your limit when trying to make a girl laugh. Do not use vulgar or indecent language which can offend her. Adult jokes should also be avoided if she is new to you. When you know her a bit then make jokes according to her style and till you do not know her keep it decent. Use situational comedy to make her laugh as it is the best way to make anyone laugh.

3.) Make Her Feel Special to Make a Girl want You

Make her feel special to make her fall for you. Every girl wants a prince charming in her life who would treat her like a princess. Make her feel that she is very much important in your life. Treat her better than anyone else, she would feel it herself and fall for you. Whatever you do, don’t compare her with anyone else. Treat her as a precious treasure and she will feel lucky to be in your life.

You do not have to do much to treat a girl special. Just do everything genuinely without faking anything and that would do. Girls do not need great things to be impressed small things matters to them the most. If you are good at doing small things which matter to her the most then impressing a girl is a piece of the cake for you.

4.) Give Her Full Attention to Make Her Fall for You

When you are with her make her feel that she is the only one. Do not keep using your cell phone in between your conversation as it is rude to do so. Keep your full attention on the girl you want to make yours. Everyone craves for attention and it is obvious to look for attention from the person one loves. If she is seeking your attention then there is nothing wrong in it. Giving her your full attention means she is your priority at that time. Also, keeping full attention to her would help you to know about her which eventually will help you to make her like you. Show her that she is the most valuable thing in your life and she will go crazy over you.

5.) Flirt with Her to Make Her want You

Flirting is great if done in limits. When you want to make a girl fall for you, flirt with her. Flirting will keep you out of friend zone which is very important. Once you fall into friend zone it is very hard to recover. Therefore, it is better to avoid falling into any friend zone trap. Your flirting would make her realize that you do not want to be her just friend. Flirting is also a great way to make a person feel great. A good flirt is always appreciated, if you are good at flirting she will like it and appreciate it. Do not cross your line while flirting as it might make you look like a pervert and she might start avoiding you.

6.) How You Look Matters

How you look definitely matters when you want to make a girl want you. Look is nothing before true characteristics still you gotta dress neat and clean and classy to make others like you at the first look. Nobody knows what is underneath your clothes at first; they are only interested in how you look. Therefore, how you dress matters a lot when it comes to getting a girl to want you. Girls notice when you wear dirty clothes or if you wear the same shirt daily. Show some efforts to dress well, you do not need to wear Prada or Versace to impress girls. Neat and ironed clothes which make you look smart and confident will work too. Take a shower every day and groom well. Use good cologne or a Perfume when you go out to avoid the sweaty smell. Smell is a great factor to impress someone.

7.) Show What You’ve Got to Make a Girl want You

There is nothing wrong in showing your genuine talents to impress a girl. Do not boast or show off rather make her aware of your talents. Everyone praises a good talent and show her yours. Everyone is unique in their own way and it is what makes them different from others. Show your uniqueness to her to make her like you. If you are good at any sports or any art do not hide it rather use it to reach to her and impress her. Like if you are good at painting then paint her photograph and gift it to her. If you are a good singer then sing a song for her. There are various ways to make that girl aware of your talent. Your efforts will definitely be appreciated by her and maybe she will fall in love with you from head to heels.

8.) Take Her Out for a Date

To make a girl want you to take her out on a romantic date. This would give plenty of opportunities to impress her. Act a totally mature and cool guy when you are out with her. Show few gentleman gestures to impress her more. Open doors for her and give her an arm to hold on when she is wearing heels. These would help you to flatter her. A romantic environment might even trigger the love feelings inside her and she might fall for you. Do not forget to dress great when you go out with her on a date. Also, do not be late and offer to pick her up for the date venue. Offer to pay for the bill as well. These would definitely make her go crazy in your love. When in date do not forget to look into her eyes to charm her.

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