Foods High in Iron (Rich Source of Iron)

foods high in iron

This article is about the foods high in iron. We can mark the importance of iron in the body with the fact that it carries oxygen to the organs of the body and it helps built the red blood cells. Two-third of iron is found in hemoglobin. Deficiency of iron is known as anemia. The problem is more common among women. It is very important to maintain the level of iron in the body. And, the best way to fulfill the requirement of iron is food. In this article we are going to discuss foods high in iron. Read the article and learn about iron and foods high in iron.

Benefits of Iron:

Before beginning with the foods high in iron, let’s discuss some of the benefits of iron. Benefits of iron are:

  1. Hemoglobin Formation – This is the very first function of iron. It helps with the formation of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is important for body as it carries oxygen to other parts of the body. Deficiency of iron directly affects the formation of hemoglobin.
  2. Brain Function – Another function of iron is the development of brain. It leads to the proper blood flow which further leads to cognitive activity.
  3. Muscle Building – Muscle building is also one of the main functions of iron. It carries oxygen to blood that helps with muscle-building.
  4. Regulation of Body Temperature – It also helps regulate the temperature of the body.
  5. Fatigue – Iron also helps get rid of chronic fatigue.

Foods High in Iron (Rich Source of Iron):

Here are some of the best foods high in iron. Over-consumption of iron means harmful free radical production that can further damage the heart and organs. But the over-consumption of iron is rare as body is able is able to regulate the consumption. So, here we present to you the list of some of the foods that will help you with the consumption of iron. Foods high in iron are:

1.) Liver High in Iron

Chicken liver is one of the best foods high in iron if you are a non-vegetarian. 100 grams of liver provide 13 mg of iron which is 72 per cent of daily value. If you consume just one teaspoon of a chicken liver then it will provide 7 per cent of suggested daily value.

2.) Beef High in Iron

You can also go for beef if you want. This is also one of the most preferred foods high in iron. If you have just 100 grams of beef then it gives you 3.8 mg of iron which in 21 per cent of daily value. You can also go for lamb if you like.

3.) Seafood High in Iron

If you love seafood then you are always recommended to go for sea foods. Seafood is among the most suggested foods. You should go for oysters, mussels, clams. You can also go for cuttlefish, abalone, scallops etc.

4.) Pumpkin Seeds High in Iron

Pumpkin seeds are also among best foods high in iron. 100 grams of pumpkin seeds provide one 15 mg of iron and that is 83 per cent of daily value of iron. You can also go for other seeds like seasome, flax and sunflower seeds.

5.) Nuts High in Iron

Nuts are also rich in iron. If you have 100 grams of nuts daily then it will provide you 6.1 mg of iron which is 34 per cent of daily value. This is 34 per cent of daily value. You can go for cashew, pine, almond, peanuts and pine.

6.) Beans and Pulses High in Iron

Beans and pulses are also among the best foods high in iron. If you are a vegetarian then this is going to be a perfect option for you. 100 grams of white beans provide 3.7 mg of iron which is 21 per cent of daily value.

7.) Whole Grains High in Iron

You can also go for whole grains and cereals if you want. We list some of these feeds and the daily value that the 100 grams of them provide. Oatmeal (12 per cent), rice (11 per cent), buckwheat (7 per cent), and millet (6 per cent).

8.) Dark Chocolate High in Iron

This is one of the tastiest foods high in iron. Every 100 grams of dark chocolate provide 17 mg of iron. This is really fantastic as it is 97 per cent of the daily value. So, you are suggested to go for this delicious food and fulfill the requirement of iron.

9.) Leafy Vegetables High in Iron

Leafy vegetables are the well-known source of iron and are mostly suggested. You can go for cooked swiss chard. It provides 20 per cent of the daily value. You can also go for raw kale that provides 6 per cent of daily value.

10.) Tofu High in Iron

The last, but not the least, tofu. Tofu is also counted among the best foods high in iron. This is because of the reason that 100 grams of tofu provides 2.7 mg of iron which is 15 per cent of daily value. Go for tofu without calcium.
