How to Stop a Runny Nose? – Get Rid of a Runny Nose Fast

How to stop a runny nose or get rid of a runny nose fast and quickly? Is running nose irritating you or getting in the way of your activities. You can read many ways to get rid of a runny nose fast and easily. The reasons behind the runny nose can be change of weather, some infection or allergy. The sore throat problem also comes along with a runny nose, which can be really bothering. Try out the ways listed in this article to get rid of a runny nose quickly.

Remedies to Stop a Runny Nose – Get Rid of Runny Nose

1. Take Shower to Stop a Runny Nose

Take a hot water shower to clear your nasal passage and stop a runny nose. Fill your lungs with steam by breathing in and out while having hot water shower which can help in clearing the congestion in your nose. This is an effective way to get rid of a runny nose.

2. Take Steam with Vicks to Stop a Runny Nose

Breathe in and out with steam to clear the congestion. Heat from the steam will ease your congestion. Take water in a boiling pot and boil. Lean your head towards the pot and breathe in gently. You can try this method very often during the day.

3. Apply Warm Compress to Get Rid of a Runny Nose

Take a cloth and wet it in hot water. Apply the warm wet cloth over your nose. Don’t overheat the water. Heat the water as much as you can stand. Lean your head towards the pot and breathe in gently. You can try this method very often during the day.

4. Use Decongestants to Get Rid of a Runny Nose

Decongestants can be used effectively to clear congestion and get rid of a runny nose. Decongestants can be applied in the form of spray or can be taken in the form of a pill.

Read instructions carefully before using decongestants. Don’t take decongestants without a doctor’s prescription for more than 3 days.

5. Use Humidifier to Stop a Runny Nose

Humidifiers keep the air moist and liquidates the dry mucus from your nose so that it can be flushed out. You can make a humidifier at home. Take a pot and boil water in it and let the steam make the air moist around you.

Don’t overdo it as humidifiers are effective to an extent else too much moisture can also cause problems. Humidifier is an effective way to get rid of a runny nose quickly and easily.

6. Tea or Coffee to Stop a Runny Nose

Sometimes a sore throat also comes with stuffy nose. Drink tea or coffee to soothe the sore throat. You can try having hot water with lemon and honey. Tea helps to keep you hydrated if you have dry cold. Boil water and put some tea leaves in it. Add some honey and lemon. It will relieve you from a runny nose and you will feel better.

7. Apply Vapour Rub or Oil to Get Rid of a Runny Nose

A very common vapour rub that comes in the market is Vicks Vapour rub for runny nose. It helps to relieve congestion and runny nose. Vapour rubs have a strong smell of menthol, which helps in treating nasal congestion. Vicks vapour rub can be applied on the nose and chest to get relief. This method can be used before going to bed. Eucalyptus oil can be massaged over the nose bridge to get rid of a runny nose. You can keep eucalyptus oil in a bowl near your bed so that you can breathe the aroma in the air while sleeping.

8. Keep Yourself Hydrated to Stop a Runny Nose

Drink lots of water during the day to get rid of a runny nose. Keep your body hydrated, water will liquidate the thick mucus and will help in flushing it out. Water will help to soothe the congestion and helps to clear the blockage due to the mucus. Water has many key benefits and getting rid of a runny nose is one of them.

9. Blow Your Nose to Get Rid of a Runny Nose Fast

It’s best to get all the bacteria and fluid out of your nose which is causing irritation. Blow out the excess mucus from your nose which can cause throat infection as well. It may cause redness of the nose if you keep blowing out your nose too often.

10. Identify the Cause to Get Rid of a Runny Nose

There are a number of causes which can result in runny nose. Some of the causes can be a change of weather, some allergy, infection, flu, stress or cough. Consult a doctor if you have a sore throat along with fever as it may be some viral infection which needs to be treated with medicines. If it’s just a common cold, then you can try having warm things and having proper rest.

Other Useful Tips to Get Rid of a Runny Nose

  • Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Keep tissues along with you to blow your nose when required.
  • Breathe in the Vicks vapour rub.
  • To avoid irritation, use unscented and soft tissues.
  • Avoid spicy food as it may worsen your runny nose.
  • Drink lots of fluids.
  • If home remedies don’t work and cold stays over 2 days, then consult a doctor.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Have cough drops throughout the day if you have a sore throat along with a runny nose to soothe the throat.
  • Saline spray can be used to get rid of a runny nose.
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