How to Treat a Burn?

Burns are the most common household injuries and it is very painful. When your skin comes in contact with something hot, then the first thought might be how to treat a burn to soothe the pain and prevent damage. Burns damage the layers of the skin and make the skin area red. Minor burns will heal soon without much medical treatment, but severe burns require special treatment to prevent infection and reduce the risk of developing scarring. This article will help you to treat a burn by providing some useful tips.

Types of Burns:

Depending on the cause and degree of burns you can recover from burns easily. There are three levels of burns first-degree, second degree and third degree.

  • First-Degree Burns- This type of burns affect the outermost layer of the skin and cause minimal skin damage.
  • Second Degree Burns- This type of burns is serious and damage beyond the top layer of the skin.
  • Third-Degree Burns- This type of burns are the worst burns and damage the every layer of the skin.

Symptoms of Burns:

  • Redness on the skin
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Peeling skin

Causes of Burns:

  • Chemical burns
  • Electrical burns
  • Scalding from boiling and hot liquids
  • Fires such as flames from candles, matches and lighters.
  • Excessive sun exposure

Best Remedies to Treat a Burn:

1.) Cold Water to Get Rid of a Burn Fast

By running cool water over the burn you can treat a minor burn. This method will prevent further damage to your skin. Hold the burned area under cool running water for 15 minutes or until the pain is gone. The sudden shock of extreme heat to extreme cold will slow the healing process. You can also apply a cold compress on the burn for 15 minutes. This will help to speed up the healing process.

2.) Tea Bags to Treat a Burn Fast

 Black tea bags are one of the best choices for treating burns. The tannic acid in black tea bag helps to draw heat from the burns.

Steps to Use Tea Bags for Burns:

  • Take 2 to 3 tea bags and place them in cool water.
  • Now place this tea bag on the burn.
  • Another method is to prepare a solution by mixing 3 to 4 tea bags in 4 cups of hot water and then add 2 cups of mint leaves to it.
  • Strain the solution and allow it to cool.
  • Gently dab the solution on the affected area.
  • Do this method twice a day for some days.

3.) Vinegar to Cure Burn Fast

Vinegar is a beneficial remedy for burns. After applying burns you will feel relief. The astringent and antiseptic properties in vinegar help to prevent any infection, which is caused by burns.

Steps to Use Vinegar to Heal Burn:

  • Dab a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it on the affected burnt skin.
  • You can also dilute the vinegar with water and can apply it on the burnt skin area.
  • Use this method daily to speed up the healing process.

4.) Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Burn Fast and Naturally

Aloe Vera is one of the leading natural remedies for curing burns. Aloe Vera is well-known for its soothing and cooling properties.

Steps to Use Aloe Vera to Treat a Burn Fast:

  • Take an aloe vera leaf and cut it into the half.
  • Now scrape the gel from the aloe vera leaf.
  • Apply this aloe vera gel on the burnt skin area.
  • Follow this remedy daily until you get relief from the burn.

5.) Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil to Treat a Burn Fast

Lemon juice and coconut oil both are very effective for treating minor burns. The acidic compound in the lemon helps to lighten the scars. Coconut oil has fatty acids and vitamin E which contain antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidizing properties.

Steps to Use Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil to Prevent Burns:

  • Mix equal amount of coconut oil and lemon juice.
  • Apply it directly on the burn.
  • It will give immediate relief from the burn.

6.) Raw Potato to Cure Burn at Home

Raw potato is one of the best home remedies for treating burns. Raw potato helps in healing minor burns due to its anti-irritating and soothing properties. It can also reduce the risk of developing blisters on the skin.

Steps to Use Raw Potato to Get Rid of Burns:

  • Take a raw potato and cut it into slices.
  • Now gently rub it on the burn.
  • When the potato releases its juice in the burned skin, then it speeds up the healing process.
  • Apply it daily at least twice a day until you see the improvement.

7.) Egg Whites to Treat a Burn Overnight

Egg white is another popular home remedy for treating burns.

Steps to Use Egg Whites to Prevent Burns:

  • To use egg whites, separate the white part.
  • Apply the egg white on the burned skin area.
  • Keep it for several hours and then you will not feel pain associated with burns.

8.) Lavender Essential Oil to Get Rid of a Burn Naturally

Lavender essential oil is one of the best and effective home remedies for curing burns. The pain killing and antiseptic properties in lavender oil helps to reduce the risk of developing scarring.

Steps to Use Lavender Essential Oil to Treat a Burn Fast:

  • Take 2 cups of water and add 5 drops of lavender oil to it.
  • Dab a clean cloth in this solution and use it as a compress many times.
  • You can also apply lavender oil directly on the burns.
  • Another method, you can mix a few drops of lavender essential oil in 2 tsp of honey. Now apply it on the burnt skin area few times a day.

9.) Honey to Get Rid of a Burn Fast and Naturally

Honey works effectively to heal burns due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Honey can also reduce the risk of developing scars.

Steps to Use Honey to Heal a Burn Fast:

  • Spread honey on the affected burned skin.
  • Cover it with a gauze bandage and change the bandage 3 to 4 times a day.

10.) Plantain Leaves to Treat a Burn Naturally

Plantain leaves are one of the popular home remedies for healing burns. The leaves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antihemorrhagic properties.

Steps to Use Plantain Leaves to Cure a Burn Fast:

  • Crush some fresh plantain leaves and apply the juice in the burnt area.
  • Another method extracts the juice from plantain leaves and wraps the leaf to the burnt skin area.
  • Do it daily to get relief from itchiness and pain.

Additional Tips to Prevent Burns:

  • Keep your children away from the kitchen while cooking.
  • Place a fire extinguisher in the house.
  • Wash your hands before touching burns.
  • Only use clean cool water or saline solution to treat the burns.
  • Protect the burnt area with a clean cloth.
  • Do not expose the burn to toxic substances.
  • You can take antibiotics and painkillers.
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