Aloe Vera For Stretch Marks Removal Naturally

After writing, how to get rid of stretch marks?, how to remove pimple marks?, and how to get rid of cellulite?, we are now writing aloe vera for stretch marks removal with other home remedies for stretch marks. Stretch marks are generally found in the abdominal area, but can also appear on thighs, buttocks, upper arms and breasts. Apart from pregnancy, sudden fluctuation in body weight, hereditary factors, rapid growth are also the causes leading to the appearance of the stretch marks. They are the visible lines on the skin with an off-color hue. Don’t worry, there are many natural ways and aloe vera for stretch marks removal. Even though it is not harmful to the skin, its appearance makes you feel uncomfortable. 

Aloe Vera For Stretch Marks Removal Naturally

1.) Use Aloe Vera Gel For Stretch marks

Aloe vera has several nutrients and active components beneficial for the skin and its soothing and healing properties. All these properties will make aloe vera is best to treat stretch marks. Take the fresh aloe vera leaf and cut in to two halves from middle. Now apply and rub the fresh aloe vera gel on the skin, keep it for a few minutes before rinsing it with lukewarm water.

You can also make a mixture with aloe vera gel (1/4-th cup), vitamin E oil (10 capsules) and vitamin A (5 capsules) and rub the mixture till it gets absorbed fully. Try the process daily to get rid of stretch marks.

2.) Potato Juice With Aloe Vera for Stretch Marks

The minerals and vitamins in potato juice help faster the growth and renewal of skin cells. Take the potato, grate it and extract the potato juice. Now, mix the equal part of potato juice and aloe vera juice. Apply this mixture on affected skin and rubbed gently on the stretch marks for a few minutes. Make sure that the juice covers the complete area and allow it to dry before washing with lukewarm water.

3.) Massage With Olive Oil With Aloe Vera

Olive oil is very rich in its nutrient, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. It helps remove the stretch mark when massaged with aloe vera juice. Mis the olive oil and aloe vera juice in equal amount and massage on the affected area. It improves blood circulation and reduce the visible lines substantially.

4.) Apply The Egg Whites

Egg whites have lots of proteins and amino acids, which help reduce the stretch marks on the skins. Mix two egg whites gently with a fork and apply a thick layer to the affected skin area using a make-up brush. Clean the skin with a wet cloth before applying. Allow the applied layer to dry and rinse with cold water. Moisten the skin with olive oil. You will definitely find improvement in a matter of two weeks, if followed the process regularly.

5.) Use The Cocoa Butter

It’s really beneficial to reduce the marks. Just apply it over the skin twice daily and notice the change after one or two months. Visibility of the lines will surely drop. You can also prepare a mixture with half a cup of cocoa butter, grated beeswax (two teaspoons), one tablespoon of wheat germ oil, one teaspoon of vitamin E oil and one teaspoon of kernel oil. Heat it till the beeswax melts and store in the refrigerator using an airtight container. Apply it 2 to 3 times a day. Apart from reducing the line marks, it will definitely make the skin smooth and hydrated.

6.) Use the Pinesol and Bleach

Take two cups of Pinesol to prepare a mixture. Additionally, mix two cups of bleach and one cup hot boiling water. Pour the mixture to the areas where roaches gather frequently in your home. Wait for 10-15 minutes and then clean up the area. Remember to keep the windows open since the smell is very strong.

7.) Apply The Lemon Juice

The acidic lemon juice helps the skin in several ways. It heals skin injuries, acne and scars and also help reduce the stretch marks. Rub the juice (fresh one) in a circular motion on the affected skin gently and allow it to soak on the skin for about 12 minutes. Get it rinsed with warm water. A mixture of equal amount of lemon juice and cucumber juice is also beneficial for the stretch marks lessening.

8.) Keep the Skin Hydrated With Water

A properly hydrated skin helps solve many of the skin related problems. If you drink enough of water throughout the day, the skin pores will be detoxed and regain softness and elasticity. This really improves the reduction of stretch marks on your skin. It is suggested to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, to help hydrate the body and skin properly. Avoid tea, coffee or soda, which aids dehydration.

9.) Use The Alfalfa Leaves

The amino acids in Alfalfa leaves are excellent to improve the overall health of your skin. They do also contain lots of protein and vitamin E and K, which improve body tones substantially. It is also very effective in skin detoxification due to its anti-fungal agents which also aids in reducing the stretch marks. Mix some Alfalfa powder with chamomile oil and massage on the affected area 2 to 3 times a day. You will certainly get an improvement within one week, if followed the process regularly.

10.) Take Help From Castor Oil

Castor oil helps solve many of the skin problems like age spots, wrinkles, fine lines, moles and pimples. In case you want to reduce the stretch marks quickly, castor oil may help you as well. Apply the oil on the affected area and massage gently in circular motions for minimum fifteen minutes.  Cover the area using a thin cotton cloth and apply a little bit of heat for about half an hour using heating pads or hot water bags. Repeat the process for at least one month and notice the positive change.

In case you are serious about controlling or reducing the unwanted stretch marks on your skin, just don’t ignore it and start attending it immediately before it goes out of hand. Along with the above-mentioned remedies, you are also suggested to maintain a balanced diet which is rich in vitamins, proteins and zinc. It helps grow collagen fibers faster, which is a prerequisite to lessen the stretch marks. And last but not the least, keep your body well hydrated drinking lots of water as mentioned in point no 8. So, start the treatment at the earliest to get maximum benefit.

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