How to Get Rid of Bats?

get rid of bats

Bats are human-friendly living beings when it comes to preventing unwanted insects and bugs from your home. Histoplasmosis is the most common flu-like health problem that people suffer with when they inhale bat dropping that why people want to get rid of bats. It is important to find their hilding for their extermination. Most the bat smell and the smell of the bat dropping with help you to find their inhabitant. Few common places where you can expect these partly uninvited guest are attic, rooms, where dormer meet the roof, the pergolas on the terrace that you hardly use, and the porch connect with the main segment of the house, at the backyard where you kept old furniture and more. It is easy to evacuate bats only when you are sure about where they are sheltered. Here are few ways to get rid of bats.

get rid of batsget rid of bats

Way to Get Rid of Bats:

1.) Choose the Right Time of the Year to Remove Bats

If you want ot get rid of bats so removing bats during the right season is important for their overall survival and ability to continue eliminating pests.

  • You need to find that if you are dealing with the nursing colony. If you will remove the adults bats before the pups can fly out, so they will die in the building. It is not only humane but it is also impractical because bat carcasses are hard to find and get rid of it. They take about five to six weeks for newborn bats to feed for themselves.
  • In the Canada and US, the maternity season fall in between may 1 through august 31.
  • In the southernmost US, the maternity season begins as early as mid-April.
  • In Indiana most bat pups are born in late June to early July, so you can begin bat removal by mid august.
  • You will want to avoid to bat removal in May, June, and July in Washington state.
  • Don’t remove bats in the winter. As bats typically hibernate during the cold season and there will not be enough food for them to survive outside. If the population of the bat will decrease you will probably notice more insects and garden pests come spring.

2.) Locate Points of Entry to Get Rid of Bats

Seek for the bat dropping on or below the entrance. As bats dropping have tiny bits of insect shells, so they are sparkly in the sunshine and crumbly in texture, unlike mice dropping which consist mostly of plant matter. They make an amazing fertilizer

  • Don’t inhale the bat dropping. You can suffer from histoplasmosis. The very old, very young and those with weakened immune system are especially vulnerable.
  • If you are not able to identify the opening by dropping such as if the bats have not been there for a long time, so watch carefully to see where they emerge from at night.
  • Bats in some regions can even fit through a hole the size of a dime.
  • These are some common signs point of entry.
  • Loose or missing shingles or tiles
  • Broken or poorly-fitted screens
  • Places where flashing or boards have come loose
  • Where walls meet the eaves at the gable ends of an attic
  • Locations where pipes or wiring enter buildings
  • Where dormers meet the roof
  • Cracks and crevices where siding forms corners, or at places where it meets windows, doors or chimneys
  • Where porches attach to the main part of a house

3.) Prevent Re-entry to Remove Bats from House

Once you have to remove the bats, so you will need to keep them from getting back in. there are two ways to go about doing this.

  • Do repeated sealings. When they leave at night to feed, nail or stable a screen or fine hardware cloth over the opening. So in the next night only some of them will be gone, so you will need to remove the covering so that the stragglers can leave to feed. Bats typically feed on a  24 to 48 hours of the cycle, so you will need to go through a couple of sealing to remove the entire colony. This could be pretty time consuming if there is too many opening throughout the building, as bats typically will not use alternately exists. It is one of the best way to get rid of bats.
  • Use one-way devices, it is used by professional. Once all the bats are gone, the devices are removed and the holes are sealed permanently. You can buy one-way devices or you can make your own from netting, empty caulk containers, PVC pipes.
  • Make a one-way device out of netting. Cover the opening with the help of plastic or lightweight, flexible netting with 1/6 inch mesh or smaller, but only to secure it along the top and halfway down the sides. It should extend about 18 to 24 inches or below the bottom edge of the opening. Repeat this for all the openings. Keep the netting in place for a minimum of about five to seven days to ensure all the bats have exited. Then permanently seal the opening with some silicon caulking, hardware cloth, caulk backing rod or a heavy duty netting.

4.) Mothballs to Remove Bats from House

Mothballs are also known as naphthalene balls and are the top most solution to get rid of bats. These balls not only help to remove them but also avoid their re-entry at home. You can easily buy these ball from the pest control stores. Buy and tie them in a soft cloth and hang at your home. These mothballs work as a repellent and its effectiveness depends on the ventilation if there is proper ventilation so the effectiveness of the naphthalene balls will be low. You should frequent replace these balls for the effectiveness.

  • Keep in mind that, if you will use it in a large quantity so it can also cause health risks.

5.) Phenol to Get Rid of Bats

The smell of the phenol repels bats and make the place unpleasant for the bats to reside in, as it irritates them. It is considered as one of the best remedies to get rid of bats. Purchase white phenol from the supermarket and use it as a spray bottle to spritz it all over the area where bats available. Repeat spraying phenol until the odor gets too strong for the bats.

6.) Aerosol repellant to Remove Bats

Use aerosol cat or dog repellent in the areas occupied by bats, but this only after an exclusion device has been used to ensure the bats have left the area, at least for some time otherwise you might end up causing harm to them or even killing them. Killing bats are illegal in certain places in the world, as well as advisable in general, as bats contribute greatly to maintaining the stability of the ecosystem.

7.) Water spray to Get Rid of Bats

This seems to be simple, but it is nothing if not effective. You need to keep spraying the water in the areas where you find the bats roost to get them move out. the best part of this method is that the water will cause annoyance while enuring that it is not harmful to bats as well as human. Once the bats have left after being sprayed with water several times, so immediately clean and seal up the regions. Use moth balls or mylar strips as an additional precautionary measures.

8.) Aluminum to Get Rid of Bats

Aluminum is great for use at the entry points as well as nesting region of the bats. Hang some aluminum foil in this area and see the bats leave in almost no time. the hanging will not only cause a chime like sound when moving in the wind, but it will also work as a great reflective surface. Both the light and the sound will cause disturbance to the bats and keep them away from your house.

9.) Mylar Ballons to Remove Bats

This is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of bats. Once all the bats have left, hang Mylar balloons filled with helium, at the entry point, and around the roosting area to ensure that the bats do not enter the house upon their return. If kept in constant motion, then the balloons will surely chase them away.

10.) Mirror to Get rid of Bats

It works on the same principle as aluminum foil. Hang small mirrors in the nesting area and use sufficient amount of light to light up these areas. The reflection will irritate the bata and keep them away.

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