Sugar ants are one of the common insects that are most likely to be found in the yards, forests, and gardens. They enter in the premises in the colony in search of foods. As the name suggest sugar ants are fond of the sweets. Sugar ant’s infestation is a quite problematic, since they tend to spoil the eatables and woods as well. Ants are nocturnal that means they are active during night only, so you might not able to find their traces in the morning. So, it is very important to keep eye on them and look at the area where ants visit the most. Read more to ways to kill sugar ants.

Remedies to Kill Sugar Ants:
1.) White Vinegar to Get Rid of Sugar Ants
Vinegar is one of the strong ingredients that can be used to kill sugar ants. The acetic acid present in the vinegar makes it a wonderful remedy for ants infestation. It has a strong smell that ants cannot stand. Moreover, it is one of the natural cleansing agent. However, use white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar because it is much powerful for killing ants.
- Pour the vinegar in the spray bottle.
- Shake it well and spray it around all the areas where you suspect or find sugar ants.
- Make sure you spritz vinegar in the night since sugar ants are nocturnal so they are quite active in the night. So, this remedy will definitely work during the night.
2.) Bleach to Kill Sugar Ants
Bleach is one of the best remedies to get rid of the sugar ants and other insects as well. It has a very strong smell that sugar ants cannot adhere thus when they come into the contact they are not able to breath and they tend to die. Moreover, it also prevents the infestation. Since ants cannot stand it smell therefore, they will avoid coming in its contact.
- Sugar ants not only suck on to the sweets they also attack on the left over, bread crumbs and other eatables, so it is best to clean the floor and counter with bleach.
- Repeat this until you see significantly change.
- Keep it away from kids and pets.
3.) Get Rid of Sugar Ants with Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the natural remedies to get rid of sugar ants. Like above listed remedies baking soda is toxic to the sugar ants and thus it helps to kill them. You can use it along with sweet ingredient. It will work as bait to call the sugar ants. And when they will come in it contact, sugar ants will die because of the baking soda.
- Clean the area thoroughly next morning and keep it away from the kids and pets.
- In a jar mix sugar and baking soda.
- Keep this jar open, the sugar ants will climb the jar and will be trapped in the jar.
- Once it’s done wait for a few minutes and throw the jar outside.
- This remedy is quite safe for pets and kids. Isn’t it!
4.) Whole Cloves to Kill Sugar Ants
Another remedy that you can use to kill sugar ants is whole clove. This is probably one ingredient that could be used to get rid of all kinds of insects including cockroaches, ants, spider and bed bugs. It repels the invading sugar; thus, it prevents the infestation of the sugar ants. It has a compound that produces a strong smell that most of the pest cannot adhere. Moreover, whole cloves are safe for nature so it will not harm your kids and pets.
- Place whole cloves around the house, covering the places like under counter, baseboards, etc.
- Ants will not be able to stand its smell and thus either they will die or won’t into the premises.
5.) Bay Leaves to Treat Sugar Ants Infestation
Bay leaves are one of the natural remedies that can be used to kill sugar ants. Well they not only kill the sugar ants, in fact it keeps the pest away thus it prevents the invasion of the ants. Bay leaves also have a strong smell that is not liked by the sugar ants. So, it is one of the best remedy to keep the ants away.
- Place the bay leaves in out your home and wherever you find ants.
- Leave it for night and change them with the fresh leaves next day.
- Do not worry it is safe for pets and kids.
6.) Borax and Sugar to Get Rid of Sugar Ants
Borax works as a poison to sugar ants. It is a nontoxic ingredient thus it kills the sugar ants. It is a slow a acting poison that does not kill the pest immediately. To make it work you can use it with sweet baits that will attract the ants and they will inhale the borax and will take it to their colony where it will breathe last.
- In a bowl add some borax, sugar. You will get a jelly like consistency.
- Spread this to the area that vulnerable to the infestation.
- Leave it on overnight and clean the area next day. Repeat it next night.
7.) Boric Acid with Mint Jelly to Kill Sugar Ants
Like borax, boric is also nontoxic compound that is poisonous for the ants and kinds of pest. Whereas mint jelly work as bait that helps to attract the sugar ants. Once the sugar ants come towards this mixture the borax will work and it will kill the sugar ants. You can use any sweet item as a substitute to mint jelly.
- Mix boric acid with mint jelly toughly.
- Place this mixture in all the nooks and corners, which are mostly visited by the sugar ants.
- Leave it for a night and clean the area next day.
- P.S- Keep it away from kids and pets, the remedy is equally harmful for them.
8.) Coffee Grounds to Get Rid of Sugar Ants
Next in our list of remedies to get rid of sugar ants is coffee grounds. Yes, you can reuse your favorite coffee to get rid of sugar ants. Do not throw the used coffee grounds, use them instead to prevent sugar ant’s invasion. Coffee grown works as a repelling agent, since ants do not like its smell. Moreover, it is good to keep away the cat as well as they also do not like its smell.
- Spread the used coffee grounds around the entire home, covering the windows, kitchen and places frequented by the insects.
- Leave it overnight and clean the area, repeat this next night as well to kill sugar ants.
9.) Kill Sugar Ants with Diatomaceous
Diatomaceous is another remedy that will help you to get rid of sugar ants. It is a very strong chemical that acts as poison for the sugar ants. It not only helps to kill the sugar ants in fact helps to get rid of their colonies as well. When the ants take it back to their colonies, other ants will die. Thus, it is one of the best ingredients to kill the sugar ants.
- Spread DTE at the place frequented by the sugar ants.
- Leave it for a night since ants are active at bight only.
10.) Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Sugar Ants
Lemon juice is also one of the best alternative to get rid of the sugar ants. As we all know, lemon has citrusy smell and sugar ants cannot adhere this kind of smell. Thus, it works perfect to get rid of sugar ants and also helps to prevent the infestation.
- Pour a good amount of lemon juice in a spray bottle, you can some water to it.
- Shack it well and spray it around all the nooks and corners vested by the sugar ants.
- You can also use lemon peels instead. Boil the peels in the sufficient water for 20 minutes. Then strain the solution. Leave it cool and then spray it all the areas frequented by the ants.
11.) Cinnamon to Kill Sugar Ants
If you are looking for the natural and eco-friendly remedies to kill sugar ants, then cinnamon will definitely fill the bill. It is a natural sugar ant repellent. Ants do not like the strong smell of the cinnamon and thus they tend to mind the distance from the particular place.
- Sprinkle some cinnamon in the wholes of the sugar ants.
- Alternatively, use cinnamon oil to get rid of the sugar ants.
- Since it natural thus it is safe for pet and kids as well.
12.) Kill Sugar Ants with Spices
Some of the spices that adds taste and door to the meal can also help to get rid of the sugar ants as well. For this purpose, you can use cinnamon, cayenne pepper and red chili. All these spices will keep the ants away since these spices are natural repellent.
- Mix all the above listed spices and spread them around the areas where sugar ants visit often.
- However, make sure that you keep this mixture of the spices away from the kids and pets. They could be allergic to them.
13.) Peppermint to Kill Sugar Ants
Peppermint is a wonderful, natural home remedy to get rid of the sugar ants. It has a very strong smell that is not liked by the ants and thus it keeps them away. You can either use peppermint leaves, leaves or tea bags to get rid of sugar ants.
- Spray some peppermint oil at all the nooks and corners that are often visited by the sugar ants.
- You can also ace used tea bag of the peppermint to kill the sugar ants.
- You can also use peppermint leaves while mopping.
14.) Essential Oil to get Rid of Sugar Ants
Essential oils like tea tree oil, clove orange, lemon and peppermint oil is best to use to get rid of sugar ants. These oils have strong smell that sugar ants cannot adhere and most of them may tend to kill them.
- Mix all the essential oils in the spray bottle.
- Give it a nice shack and then spray it around.
15.) Chemical Spray to Kill Sugar Ants
You are free to get a chemical spray that is especially made to the sugar ants. The spray has all the vital chemicals that tends to suffocate the sugar ants and thus it is the best option to kill the sugar ants
If nothing works for you, then call a professional exterminator or pest control company to get rid of the sugar ants.
Things to Remember:
- Do not leave leftover food open.
- Clean the counter and floors nicely.
- Keep your kitchen, especially sink clean and dry.
- Through the trash bins daily to prevent ant’s infestation.
- Keep the foods and sweets in the airtight container.
- Block all the openings in your home
- Vacuum the upholstery and mattress thoroughly to kill the sugar ants.