How to Cure a Headache? (Fast & Naturally)

How to Cure a Headache

This article is about the ways to cure a headache fast and naturally. Headache is a very common problem faced by people. There are a number of reasons behind headache, but the most common one is dehydration. Headache is a problem which is becoming more common now a day. It is not possible to go for medical treatment every time you have a headache. Going for medicine every time is not at all good for health. Thus, we bring to you some of the best remedies that will help you cure a headache naturally at home. Read the article to know more about headache and remedies to get rid of it.

Causes of Headaches:

Headache is a problem that is due to various reasons. Here are the causes of headaches:

Remedies to Cure a Headache:

We discussed the reasons for headache; it’s time to learn the cures. The remedies that we are going to discuss are naturally and might be already there in your kitchen. These remedies are highly effective and will help you get rid of a headache easily. Remedies to cure a headache are:

1.) Ginger to Cure a Headache

Ginger is one of the most amazing remedies for headache treatment. It is one of the most primitive ones and is widely used by people till now. You can use it in different ways. You can simply chew half-inch of ginger. What else you can do is:

  • Take some ginger powder.
  • Add enough water to make a paste.
  • Apply paste on your forehead and leave for a while.
  • When you feel some relaxation, wash it off.


  • Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with equal amount of ginger juice.
  • Mix the two well and consume it twice a day.

2.) Cold Compress to Cure a Headache

Cold compress is one of the most common remedies used to treat a headache. This remedy is the very first one that people go for when it comes at treating headache. What you have to do is:

  • Take an ice bag and put some ice cubes in it.
  • Now place the bag on your head.
  • You will notice the difference within a few minutes.


  • If you do not have an ice bag, you can also go for a pack of frozen vegetables.
  • Just keep it on your head till the pain is gone.

3.) Basil Leaves to Cure a Headache

Basil leaves can also be used to treat mild head headaches. You can use it in different ways. What you have to do is simply chew a few basil leaves when you have headache. What else you can do is:

  • Take a cup of water and bring it to boil.
  • Add a few basil leaves to it and cover it with a lid.
  • Steep it for five minutes and strain the tea in cup.
  • Sip it and you will be able to heal your headache.
  • You can also add honey to taste.

4.) Lavender Oil to Cure a Headache

You can also go for lavender oil to get rid of headache naturally at home. Just inhaling it is sufficient. Put some lavender leaves in a tissue and inhale the smell. Or else:

  • Boil to cups of water.
  • Add two drops of lavender essential oil in it.
  • Inhale the steam.


  • Take some lavender oil in a bowl and mix it with almond oil or olive oil.
  • Mix it well and apply the mixture on your forehead.

5.) Cloves to Cure a Headache

If you headache is because of some tension then clove is the best remedy for you. It is rich in pain-relieving properties. Clove fragrance is highly effective at treating headache. You can use cloves in two different ways. You can go for clove oil or just try the dry leaves as well. Here are the two different ways to use it to get rid of a headache:

  • Take a few drops of clove oil and mix it with a few drops of almond oil.
  • Mix the two well and rub it gently on your forehead.


You can also prepare your own natural inhaler with cloves leaves. The process is simple and does not require much efforts. Just follow he given steps to make your inhaler:

  • Take some crushed cloves in a handkerchief and inhale the smell.
  • Smell it whenever you have tension headache.

6.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure a Headache

Apple cider vinegar is a remedy that has been used to treat a number of health related problems. It is equally effective at treating headache as well. Using it is simple and easy. What you have to do is:

  • Take a glass of warm water.
  • Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to it.
  • Mix it well and drink it.

7.) Rosemary to Cure a Headache

This is also one of the most amazing remedies for headache treatment. Rosemary has soothing properties and thus is used to relieve headache. Using it is also easy. You can either make an ointment or you can also enjoy a tea. Follow the given ways to use it:

  • Mix a few drops of rosemary oil and with olive oil.
  • Mix it well and use it to massage your forehead.
  • Also use it to massage your temples.


You can also prepare a tea with rosemary leaves and get rid of headache naturally at home. What you have to do is:

  • Take a cup of water and boil it.
  • Add one teaspoon of each crushed rosemary and sage leaves to it.
  • Steep it for 5 minutes and then strain the tea.
  • When it has cooled to room temperature, drink it.

8.) Peppermint Oil to Cure a Headache

You can also go for peppermint oil to get rid of headache naturally at home. Peppermint oil is also one of the most fantastic remedies for headache treatment. You can prepare a solution to apply on your forehead or you can also use it to inhale steam. What you have to do is:

  • Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with almond oil.
  • Apply it on your forehead and temples and massage gently.


  • Boil two glasses of water.
  • Add a few drops of peppermint oil to it.
  • Boil it for some time and then inhale the smell.
  • It will relieve the pain immediately.

9.) Apple to Cure a Headache

An apple a day also keeps the headache away. What you have to do is eat an apple daily to keep head ache at bay. It is advised to sprinkle some salt on apples. It increases the acidic level and helps prevent headache. So, if you have the problem of headache or fall victim to it regularly, then you should eat an apple on a daily basis. This is one of the best ways to cure headache.

10.) Mint Leaves to Cure a Headache

Mint leaves are also counted among the most efficient remedies for headache treatment. Mint leaves have menthol that help relieve pain. Mint leaves are amazing for migraine headache. What you have to do is:

  • Take a few mint leaves and rush them to extract the juice.
  • Now apply the juice on forehead and rub gently.
  • You will see the difference within a few minutes.
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