Home Remedies for Vertigo

Vertigo is a kind of dizziness which is caused due to the problem in the vestibular labyrinth region of the ear. In vertigo patient feels that everything is moving, spinning, falling or tilting although there is no actual movement. It can be accompanied by the other symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, loss of balance, tinnitus, temporary hearing loss or a feeling of fullness in the ear. Vertigo itself is more of symptoms than a disease and it is different from the nonspecific lightheadedness or dizziness. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most common form of vertigo which is caused by a disturbance in the calcium particles otoliths in the semicircular canals of the labyrinth of the inner ear.

Some other common conditions that can lead to vertigo are Meniere’s disease, labyrinthitis, vestibular neuronitis, migraine and head injury. Vertigo will improve on its own over a period of time. but you can try these home remedies for vertigo if you want quick relief.

Home Remedies for Vertigo

1.) Epley maneuver to Treat Vertigo

Epley maneuver is highly beneficial in treating vertigo, especially benign paroxysmal positional vertigo without any serious adverse effects. It is one of the effective home remedies for vertigo

  • You just need to sit on a bed calmly. Place a pillow behind you so that it will be on your shoulders when you lie down.
  • If your vertigo problem is in left ear, so turn your head 45 degrees to the left. If it is the right ear so turn your head 45 degrees to the right and follow the test of the procedure accordingly.
  • Then quickly lie back your shoulder on the pillow and your head reclined onto the bed for about 30 seconds.
  • Then without raising your head to turn it to 90 degrees to the right and wait for 30 seconds.
  • Now while keeping your head in its current position, quickly turn your whole body another 90 degrees to the right and stay in this position for about 30 seconds.
  • Slowly sit up and bring your head to the center.
  • Repeat this process three times a day until you are without vertigo for at least 24 hours.
  • In most of the cases symptoms of the vertigo resolve within a week. So it is best to perform all the three cycles of the maneuver at night before going to sleep rather than in the morning or midday.

2.) Ginger to Cure Vertigo

Ginger is very effective home remedies for vertigo as it promotes blood circulation to the brain and also relieves nausea. A study conducted on vertigo reducing effects found that ginger is also alleviated related issues like motion sickness and migraines.

  • You just simply chew a piece of ginger on a regular basis. It can help to alleviate this problem.
  • You can make ginger tea by steeping one teaspoon of ginger in a cup of boiling water for about five minutes and then strain it. you can sweeten the tea by adding honey if you want. Drink this tea twice a for a few weeks.
  • Or you can try another option. Take a ginger in a supplement form but first consult your doctor for appropriate dosage of it.
  • Talk to your doctor before taking ginger as it can interfere with certain medications like antidiabetic, anticoagulant, and blood pressure medication.

3.) Ginkgo biloba to Get Rid of Vertigo

Gingko Biloba is one of the most widely researched herbs throughout the world. It is a wonderful Chinese traditional medicine that helps to increase the blood flow to the brain, thereby reduce the dizzy sensation. It is one of the best home remedies for vertigo. You can use it boost the blood circulation in the inner ear to solve all the problems related to the ear. It is often used to prevent reverse tinnitus, loss of taste or smell or short term memory lose. When you buy that make sure to get high-quality gingko that contains about 24 percent ginkgo heterosides or ginkgolides.

  • You need to take 10 to 160 mg of ginkgo Biloba extract in two to three divided doses daily for about three months. You will start noticing improvement after 8 to 12 weeks.

4.) Coriander Seeds to Treat Vertigo

Coriander seeds is a popular ayurvedic remedy for vertigo. It contains an array of phytonutrients and is a good source of manganese, copper, iron, calcium and magnesium.  On the other hand, gooseberry is a rich source of vitamin C and enhances the absorption of food and nourishes the brain and its mental functioning. Together with honey, they help to alleviate vertigo. Coriander is one of the effective home remedies for vertigo

  • You need to soak one teaspoon each of Indian gooseberry powder and coriander seeds in a cup of water.
  • Leave it for overnight.
  • Then strain and drink this solution the next morning. If you want to improve its taste, you can add a little honey or sugar.
  • Use this remedy for a few days.

5.) Cardamom to Cure Vertigo

It has a soothing smell and health properties which are similar to that of ginger. It is one of the best home remedies for vertigo. The massaging action used in this remedy will help alleviate the problem.

  • You need to slightly heat the two teaspoons of sesame oil
  • Mix one half teaspoon of each powdered cardamom and cinnamon.
  • Then gently massage your head with this oil and leave for a few hours.
  • Use this remedy several times a week for a few weeks to see the positive result.

6.) Basil to Treat Vertigo

Basil is one of the best home remedies for vertigo due to its light, spicy and sweet smell. It works as an aromatherapy remedy for dizziness and vertigo.

  • You need to boil three to four basil leaves with one cup of milk.
  • Then inhale the smell and drink of this healthy tonic daily before going to bed.
  • Use this remedy for at least few weeks.

7.) Massage Therapy to Get Rid of Vertigo

Massage therapy can help to resolve the balance issues and reduce the dizziness by working on the trigger points in the anterior neck muscles. It also helps to improve the circulation and relieve neck pain and stiffness too.

  • Head massage help to resolve headaches, tinnitus, migraines and insomnia. It works the upper three chakras called vishuddha, sahasrara, and Ajna.
  • You can do simple massage at your own daily by gently massaging your head, neck and upper back in circular motions. You can go to the therapist for the sessions with a skilled massage.
  • You need to keep in mind that avoid vigorous massage, especially if you have a bleeding disorder or you are on a blood thinning medications

8.) Valerian to Cure Vertigo

Valerian is one of the best home remedies for vertigo, it is useful for dealing with vertigo caused by nervous exhaustion. Valerian can also help with issues like anxiety and insomnia.

  • Steep one teaspoon of dried valerian root in a cup of water. Strain the solution. Drink this tea up to three times a day for about two to three weeks.
  • Take one teaspoon of valerian tincture once or twice a day for about two to three weeks.
  • Keep in mind that don’t take it for a prolonged as it is very addictive. Consult your doctor before taking this medicine.

9.) Lemon Balm to Get Rid of Vertigo

Lemon balm is one of the effective home remedies for vertigo. It ca help with problems like depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, nervous tension as it good for nervous and circulatory systems. It also has antiviral properties.

  • You need to boil a cup of water. Add one to two teaspoons of dried lemon balm in it. let it simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the solution and drink it few times a day for a few weeks to see the positive result.
  • You can also inhale the lemon balm oil directly but don’t do it for a prolonged time.
  • First, consult your doctor before taking this remedy.

10.) Almonds to Treat Vertigo

You can prepare the best home remedies for vertigo by a combination of almonds, wheat, pumpkin seeds and poppy seeds and may help to reduce dizziness and vertigo.

  • You need to soak seven to eight pumpkin seeds and almonds, three tablespoons of wheat and one teaspoon of poppy seeds for overnight.
  • Next morning peel the almonds and grind them along with the other ingredient to make a paste.
  • Then sauté one-half teaspoon of cloves with two teaspoons of clarified butter
  • Add the almond paste and a cup milk in a mixture. Boil the mixture and add honey if you want.
  • Drink this remedy for a few days to see the positive result.
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