How to Get Rid of Mold?

Molds are basically different types of fungi that grow in filaments. They reproduce by forming spores. They are the basic cause of nuisance. They can destroy the natural beauty of various things in your house. You may feel quite disgusting when you will find molds in your homes. They may grow indoors as well as outdoors. They may grow in the areas like your shower. They may even discolor drywall and can leave black spots everywhere. So, if you are facing the problem of molds in your home, then it is really important to treat this problem as soon as possible. This article will guide you regarding various ways to get rid of mold.

Health Issues Linked with Molds:

You may see the following signs and symptoms due to mold.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mold:

Here are few natural ways that you may follow to get rid of mold.

1.) Remove Mold on Drywall:

If you notice mold growing on your unpainted drywall, then the only way out to get rid of them is to replace drywall. It is very important to remove unpainted drywall as it is completely a porous material. But, if it is painted then you may remove them by using a utility knife for cutting out the affected part of the drywall. Also, keep in mind that you must cut an area that includes, at least, two wooden beams behind the drywall. This is an important step as you may attach replacement section onto two beams.

2.) Use bleach for Mold Removal:

Bleach is a very important ingredient for killing molds. But, this remedy is effective when the mold is growing on non-porous materials like glass, bathtubs, and counter tops. The bad thing about bleach is that it cannot penetrate into porous materials. Moreover, it cannot come in the contact with mold growing on the surface of materials like drywall and wood. In such case, you may use bleach to kill molds above the surface, but it may not be able to kill them completely. As they will remain in the roots and they will return sooner or later. So, use bleach to get rid of mold from non-porous materials.

3.) Tips to Kill Mold with Bleach:

Here are few important tips that you may follow, if you really want to get rid of mold naturally.

  • Take the gallon of water and add one cup of bleach to it (it is approximately equal to one part of bleach to 10 parts of water).
  • Once you this mixture, just apply it to the non-porous surfaces having mold growth. You may use a spray bottle or a sponge cloth for applying this mixture.
  • There is no need of cleaning the surface as bleach helps in inhibiting mold growing in the future.

Preventive Measures:

Also, remember that bleach produces harsh fumes. So, it is really important to prepare this remedy in a well-ventilated area. Don’t forget to wear gloves while preparing this remedy. It is very important for protecting your hands from bleach and harmful fumes.

How Bleach Kill Molds?

The active and basic ingredient present inside the bleach is sodium hypochlorite. This is one of the most important ingredients that you find in all mold removal products.

Disadvantages of Chlorine Bleach:

Well, there are few pros and cons of everything you use in your day-to-day life. If we talk about chlorine bleach then it has some disadvantages too that are as follows:

  • Bleach is unable to kill the molds growing on porous materials. It has an inability to penetrate inside porous material.
  • Bleach is quite harsh and corrosive chemical. It even produces toxic fumes. It may damage the material that is not so hard.

4.) Get Rid of Mold Naturally with Borax:

Borax is a great mold removal treatment. So, use it to kill molds naturally. Borax is one of the best cleaning product that may help a lot in getting rid of molds. Though it is quite a toxic substance, but it does not emit any harmful fumes like bleach.

  • All you need to add one cup of borax to a gallon of water to prepare this remedy.
  • You may use a scrubbing-brush for scrubbing mold from the surface with borax solution.
  • After this, just wipe out extra moisture and mold particles. It is a great way to prevent mold from spreading.

5.) Use Vinegar to Kill Mold Naturally:

Vinegar is basically a mild acid that can kill up to 82% of mold species. Unlike box and bleach, vinegar is non-dangerous and non-toxic. To use it, just follow these steps:

  • Take white distilled vinegar and pour it in a spray bottle. There is no need to dilute the vinegar with water.
  • Spray vinegar on the affected areas. Leave it for an hour so that it may sit on the surface completely.
  • Once you are done with this, then simply wipe the area with water. It is a great way to get rid of mold fast.

6.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Get Rid of Mold Quickly:

Hydrogen peroxide includes antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties that make it one of the best remedy to get rid of mold. Just pour 3% of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray it on the affected area. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash it off to remove mold completely.

7.) Tea Tree Oil for Mold Removal:

Tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies for mold. It is better than all above remedies. To use this remedy, all you need to add one teaspoon of tea tree oil in one cup of water. Mix these ingredients well and add it in a spray bottle. Use this solution and apply it on an affected area with a cloth. Rub this solution to remove mold. Also, you don’t need to rinse the surface after applying tea tree oil.

8.) Ammonia to Remove Mold:

Ammonia is an effective remedy for killing molds on non-porous surfaces. To use this remedy simply take 50% of water and add 50% of clear ammonia to it. Spray it on the affected area and then wipe it off. It is one of the best ways to get rid of mold on non-porous materials.