How to Treat a Yeast Infection?

This article is about how to treat a yeast infection. Yeast Infection is a kind of infection caused by microscopic fungi, albicans. The problem is also known as Candida. The problem is more common in women but every person suffers with this problem once in life. It generally affects the vaginal area. Other parts where it is common are dentures, lower abdomen, under the breasts, nail beds and beneath skin folds. The affected area is marked by itching, swelling and burning sensations. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the best ways to get rid of yeast infection. Read the article to know more about the problem.

Causes of Yeast Infection:

Causes of any problems helps with the precautions. Here are the reasons that contribute to the problem of yeast infection:

  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic health conditions
  • Oral contraceptive use
  • Antibiotics
  • Steroids

Remedies to Treat a Yeast Infection:

We discussed the reasons for yeast infection, now it’s time to learn about some of the best treatments for yeast infestation. There are a number of ways that you can use to get rid of yeast infection. Remedies to get rid of yeast infection are:

1.) Coconut Oil to Treat a Yeast Infection

Coconut oil is an amazing remedy when it comes at treating yeast infection. It is widely used to treat different skin and health related problems. It has anti-fungal properties that help get rid of yeast infection. What you have to do is simply apply it externally on the affected area. If it an oral thrush, swish the oil and wait for 10 minutes. You can also mix it with tea tree oil and cinnamon oil. And yes, do not swallow it.  What else you can do is:

  • Take equal amount of cinnamon oil and coconut oil.
  • Now apply it gently on the infected area.
  • Leave it and apply again after some time.
  • It helps control the growth of the bacteria.

2.) Yogurt to Treat a Yeast Infection

Yogurt has friendly bacteria, Lactobacillius acidophilus, which is helpful in controlling the growth of the infection. What you have to do is apple some yogurt externally and leave for 20 minutes and then wash off. You can also leave it overnight for best results. It helps get rid of itching sensations. You can also simply have plain yogurt in your meal. For vaginal yeast infection:

  • Dip a tamop in some plain yogurt.
  • Now insert the tamop into your vagina and leave for two hours.
  • Do it twice a day for best results.

3.) Garlic to Treat a Yeast Infection

Garlic has a number of benefits and one of them is use for yeast infection. Garlic is rich in antibacterial and anti fungal properties that help get rid of infection easily. What you can do is east a few garlic cloves daily in order to prevent yeast infection. If you want to apply it externally, there is ways as well. What you have to do is:

  • Make a paste with a few garlic cloves.
  • Now apply it on the affected area.
  • This will help get rid of yeast infection easily.

4.) Tea Tree Oil to Treat a Yeast Infection

Tea Tree Oil is also one of the most amazing remedies to treat yeast infection. It is antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic in nature that helps fight of different kind of infection. But, a pregnant woman should not use it ever. It has some properties that can harm the child. For others, this remedy is a superb one. What you have to do is:

  • Dilute some tea tree oil with olive oil or water.
  • Now rub it gently on the affected area.
  • Do it many times a day for best results.
  • If it is vaginal infection, what you have to do is:
  • Take a tampon and put a few drops of oil on it.
  • Now insert it your vagina and leave for three hours.

5.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat a Yeast Infection

Apple cider vinegar is known to treat a number of skin related problems like acne, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, dark spit etc. It is also used to cure a health related problems. It is widely used to lose weight naturally at home. It is rich in properties that help cure yeast infection. You can mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink before meals. Drink it twice a day for best results. Never consume it directly as it is acidic in nature. What else you can do is:

  • Fill your bath tub with warm water and mix some apple cider vinegar in it.
  • Now soak yourself in the tub for an hour.
  • You will instantly get rid of itching and inflammation.


  • Dilute some apple cider vinegar with water and apply it topically on the affected area.
  • Leave it for half an hour and then wash off.

6.) Boric Acid to Treat a Yeast Infection

You can also use boric acid to cure yeast infection. It is rich in anti fungal and antiseptic properties that help avoid irritation and inflammation and treat the infection fast. Using it is simple and easy. What you have to do is:

  • Mix some boric acid with water.
  • Apply it gently on the affected area.
  • Allow it to dry and then wash off with water.

7.) Aloe Vera to Treat a Yeast Infection

Aloe Vera is also used to cure a number of skin related problems. It is great at treating yeast infection as well. What you have to do is:

  • Take one Aloe Vera lead and extract gel from it.
  • Rub the gel on the affected area and leave it.
  • Apply it twice a day for best results.

8.) Cranberries to Treat a Yeast Infection

Cranberries can also be used to get rid of yeast infection. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help cure yeast infection well. What you have to do is drink unsweetened cranberry juice many times a day. It stimulates the healing process and helps treat yeast infection well. You can also consume cranberry tablet thrice a day.

9.) Oregano Oil to Treat a Yeast Infection

Oregano oil is also rich in antifungal properties that help heal yeast infection. Using it is simple. You just have to apply it topically to get rid of yeast infection. But, before using it, you should dilute it first. It helps cure swelling, inflammation and itching. If you do not want to apply it externally, you can also take two capsules daily for best results.

10.) Olive Leaf Extract to Treat a Yeast Infection

Olive is also one of the most amazing remedies for yeast infection treatment. Olive leaf extract is rich in antifungal and antibacterial properties that help cure yeast infection well. What you have to do is:

  • Take a jar and put some finely chopped olive leaves in it.
  • Now pour vodka in the bottle till the leaves are completely submerged.
  • Now cover it with a lid and leave it four weeks in dark place.

(This was the home recipe for olive leaf extract that you can use to prepare the extract and save it for future.)

  • Strain some extracts and apply it on the affected area.
  • Apply it three times a day for best results.
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