How to Get Thicker Hair Naturally & Fast?

In this article, we are discussing how to get thicker hair and its remedies. Many of us are born with natural hair loss or thin hair. Everyone doesn’t get thick and healthy hair, but with some extra care and a good diet, you can also have longer and stronger hair. Besides this, there are some factors that contribute to your thin hair that includes nutritional deficiencies, excessive physical stress, emotional stress, wrong hair care products, hormonal imbalances, poor hair care routine, pollution or allergies. For any reason of your thin hair, it can be improved. There are several natural and home remedies to grow your hair thicker without any chemicals and wasting money on hair care products. Read this related article How to get long hair fast? on our website.

How To Grow Thicker Hair Fast In One Month?

A few changes in daily diet are important to promote the hair growth. It also prevents you from hair loss. Elimination of packed and junk foods, excess smoking and drinking and cold drinks are essential for your general health and for the health of your scalp. Add more vitamin and mineral rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, carbohydrates, omega 3 fatty and protein rich foods to your daily diet for good hair growth. Through this article, learn how to get thicker and longer hair fast with some home and natural remedies.

Home Remedies to Get Thicker Hair:

1.) Eggs to Get Thicker Hair Faster

Eggs are the best treatment to get thicker hair faster. A protein treatment is vital to have stronger and thicker hair. To use this method, take 1-2 eggs, depending on your hair length. Break the egg and beat it properly. Apply this egg on wet hair and allow it to dry for 30 minutes. Now, wash your hair with warm water and a mild shampoo. You can use this treatment 1-2 times a week for better results.

Alternatively, you can mix one egg yolk, 1 tsp of your favorite hair oil and 2 tsp of water. Mix the ingredients well. Use this mixture to massage your scalp gently and thoroughly. Follow this method once or twice a week to enjoy thicker hair and longer hair.

2.) Olive Oil to Get Thicker Hair Fast

Head massage is also a great factor for the growth of the hair. Massaging with olive oil will add volume to your hair. In addition, it will help strengthen and soften your hair strands. To try this method,  take some olive oil and warm it up. Now, massage your hair and scalp with warm olive oil. Keep it 30 to 45 minutes. Now, wash it off using a mild shampoo. You can also leave this oil for overnight and then shampoo the next morning.

Alternatively, mix some olive oil with some 2 tsp of honey and apply this mixture on your hair. Keep it for at least 30 minutes and then wash your hair with warm water. Use this remedy for 1-2 times a week to get thicker hair naturally.

3.) Avocado to Get Thicker Hair Naturally

Avocado can be also a great home remedy to get thicker hair instantly. It also helps moisturize and adds volume to your hair. Moreover, the vitamin E in this fruit can also contribute to the overall health. To use this method, prepare a mixture of 1 mashed avocado, banana and 1 tsp of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well. Massage it mix on your scalp and keep it on your hair for about 30-45 minutes. Finally, rinse it out using warm water and a mild shampoo. Use this mask for 1-2 times a week for best results.

4.) Fenugreek Seeds to Get Thicker Hair Fast

Fenugreek seeds are also helpful in preventing hair loss and for better hair growth. To use this method, soak 2-3 tsp of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Next morning, grind these soaked seeds to make a fine paste. Additionally, you can also mix 2 tsp of coconut milk. Apply this paste on your scalp and hair. Leave it for about 30 minutes. Now, wash it off with lukewarm water. When done every week, this remedy will help prevent dry scalp and help you enjoy stronger and thicker hair.

5.) Gooseberry to Get Thicker Hair Instantly

Gooseberry consists of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and exfoliating properties that help a lot with balancing a healthy scalp and better hair growth rate. To try this method, mix 1 tsp of gooseberry powder in 2 tsp of coconut oil and heat it until boiling. Strain the oil and massage this mixture to your scalp directly before going to bed. The next morning, wash your hair with mild shampoo as usual. Do this process on a weekly basis and get thick hair faster. You can also consume the gooseberry fruit and its extract for healthy hair.

6.) Castor Oil to Get Thicker Hair Naturally

This is one of the best home remedies to get thicker hair naturally. Massaging your scalp regularly with castor oil helps you promote a good blood flow to your scalp that further helps hair growth. Due to its high thickness, it coats the hair completely and prevents hair fall. Moreover, it is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, that helps promote hair growth faster.

To use this method, warm a mix of an equal amount of coconut oil and castor oil. Simply using castor oil can also work, but castor oil alone might be thick, so mixing it with coconut oil will be the best option. Apply this mix on your hair and scalp and massage gently using your fingers. Now, cover your hair with a wet warm towel for 30-45 mins. Then, rinse it off using normal water and a mild shampoo. Repeat this remedy twice to get stronger and thicker hair instantly.

7.) Aloe Vera to Get Thicker Hair Fast

This is another very beneficial ingredient that can be beneficial to get thicker hair. It consists of moisturizing properties also that will help your hair keep moisturized and promote hair growth. It will also help maintain the pH balance of the scalp. To use this method, extract the gel from fresh aloe vera leaves and rub it directly into your scalp. Allow it dry for 30 minutes before washing your hair with warm water. Do this method, once or twice a week on a regular basis for best results.

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