Home Remedies for Poison Ivy

This article will outline some of the effective and safe home remedies for poison ivy. Urushiol is an irritating resin found in poison ivy leaf. Rubbing or brushing against these leaves can cause swelling, rashes, blisters and a huge amount of itching. Most of the people are allergic to this resin. Poison ivy shows symptoms like fever, intense burning sensations, red patches and irritation. It can show up within three hours of coming in contact with the leaves or may take 7-10 days of time. On scratching the affected area, it may spread rapidly. For the first three days, poison ivy can trouble you the most. If you leave it untreated, you may suffer a lot. Fortunately, nature has provided you with many home remedies to treat poison ivy. Read on to know best home remedies for poison ivy.

Top Home Remedies for Poison Ivy:

1) Aloe Vera Gel to Treat Poison Ivy

Aloe Vera is a well-known curative remedy for skin. It can treat almost all skin infections. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory in nature. It can be used for treating poison ivy. You can directly apply aloe vera gel to the affected area.

Aloe vera gel is available in chemist shop or you may take out some gel directly from the inner flesh of aloe vera leaves. It may help relieve from itching and burning sensation. It can soothe your skin and help it in recovering rapidly. Coat the affected area with aloe vera gel and leave it. Re-apply the gel over red spots if needed.

2) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Poison Ivy

Apple cider vinegar is good for your skin as it is anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial in nature. It is widely used for the treatment of various skin and hair infections. Take a teaspoon of diluted apple cider vinegar and apply it over the affected areas. It will suck out the toxins from the skin and soothe the entire portion.

Poison will become ineffective and you may relieve from itching and irritation. You may apply warm compresses of apple cider vinegar on the affected skin. Repeat the process throughout the day when needed.

3) Banana Peel to Soothe Poison Ivy Rash

Banana peel is said to have medicinal properties too. It can stop that burning sensation and itching due to poison ivy. You just need to rub the inner side of banana peel over the rashes. The cooling effect of banana peel may heal the red heaps gradually. Apply it repeatedly for better results. Indeed, it is one of the simplest home remedies for poison ivy.

4) Cucumber for Poison Ivy Treatment

Cucumber gives a cooling sensation to the skin and hence it is widely used for curing rashes, boils and burnt skin. It can treat poison ivy rashes and provide enough relief from itching and irritation. For this, put a slice of cucumber on the affected area. Let it dry on its own. You may apply cucumber paste to the irritated skin for getting instant relief from the symptoms. Re-apply the cucumber paste when needed.

5) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Poison Ivy

Baking Soda alkaline in nature and hence can be soothing to your skin condition. It is considered as a great remedy to cure poison ivy rashes and itchiness caused due to it. For this, put half cup of baking soda in a bath tub filled with water. Sit in this water for around 15-20 minutes. Your rashes will be relieved from burning sensation.

You may make a paste using baking soda and water. Apply this paste on the affected areas of your skin. Symptoms of poison ivy will be cured in a week or so. It is one of the most effective home remedies for poison ivy.

6) Oatmeal for Poison Ivy Treatment

Among the best remedies to treat poison ivy, one is taking an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal has soothing properties and it is widely used for skin care. It can stop irritation due to poison ivy in your skin. For taking an oatmeal bath, you need a bath tub full of water. Now, take one to two cups of oatmeal flour. Add it to the water in the bath tub till a thick consistency is reached. Water will become white in color. Get into the bath tub. Sit there until your rashes soothe and itchiness stops. Repeat the process as often you need it. You may try adding few cups of baking soda for better results. You may apply a thick paste of oatmeal on the affected areas as well.

7) Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Poison Ivy

Lemon juice contains citric acid and has many antiseptic and anti bacterial properties. It is a natural astringent. It can help you in relieving the itchiness and irritation. Take out some lemon juice and apply it on skin where poison has created red spots, using a cotton ball. Applying it directly after coming in contact with the leaves can be more useful. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day. Keep repeating it for a week or so until the rashes heal up completely.

8) Cold Compress to Soothe Poison Ivy Rash

Poison Ivy creates itchiness and irritation to your skin. The redness and burning sensation can be reduced by applying cold compresses. Do not scratch the affected area. Take a clean cotton cloth. Dip it in cold water. Squeeze it so that extra water comes out. Now, place it on the affected areas of your body. Keep it there for 10 minutes. Repeat the process for 2-3 times till the itchiness stops. It will keep your skin cool and you will feel better. Apply the cold compresses whenever you need throughout the day. Keep in mind that you are not using chilled water for this purpose as it may worsen your condition.

9) Rub Alcohol to Cure Poison Ivy

Alcohol can be effective in preventing the poison ivy to penetrate into your skin. As soon as you come in contact with the poison ivy leaves, you can rub a few drops of alcohol on your skin. It can slow down the poison from spreading. In this way, the discomforts you may face due to poison get reduced.

10) Cold Milk to Soothe Poison Ivy Rash

Cold milk can be soothing to your skin condition. It stops itchiness due to poison ivy and give you enough relief. For this, soak a clean cloth in some milk and apply it as a compress against your skin. Repeat it for cooling the rashes.

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