How to Kill Fleas? – Best Ways to Kill Fleas

After writing, how to get rid of bed bugs?, how to get rid of cockroaches?, how to get rid of fruit flies?, and how to get rid of wasps?, we are now writing the ways to kill fleas. If you are having a flea problem then you need to kill fleas. Fleas are small parasites that feed on humans and warm blooded animals. Fleas come into the home through pets or other mammal hosts and make your life unbearable. The eggs of the fleas can get dropped anywhere in your house. These eggs turn into larvae and then into fleas. Fleas carry diseases that will affect your health and also pet’s health. They don’t fly and are wingless but can create problem inside your house. Fleas and their eggs hide in the fibers of carpeting, furniture and even in your pet’s bed. There are several methods to kill fleas such as home remedies, pest control methods or you can call a professional. This article will provide you some useful tips to get rid of fleas.

Diseases Caused by Fleas:

  • Flea Tapeworm- This type of disease can be transmitted when children eat an infected flea or contact infected feces.
  • Bartonellosis- This type of disease occur when oriental cat flea and rat flea may transmit cat scratch disease.
  • Plague- This type of disease can be transmitted by the oriental rat flea.
  • Tungiasis- This type of ailment is caused by the chigoe flea when it burrows into the skin and sucks the blood.
  • Flea-Borne Typhus- This type of ailment is transmitted by the fleas when they bite you or from scratching the area of the bite.

Signs of Flea Infestation:

  • Observe your pet’s behavior, if your pet is scratching too much then you should examine your pet’s fur. Infested animals have rashes on their skin and may lose hair.
  • People may also experience flea bites which leave behind itchy marks.
  • You can also find flea dirt which looks like black pepper which can be seen in carpets, rugs, pet beds and other areas.

Best Methods to Kill Fleas:

1.) Vacuum to Kill Fleas Naturally

Using vacuum is one of the best methods for treating flea infestations. Vacuum over the affected areas especially where the pets usually roam.

  • The average vacuum is good for fleas. Don’t go for high-powered and super suction vacuums.
  • Put moth flakes down on the carpet and vacuum the carpet. This will help to kill fleas.
  • Vacuum your house 2 times a day for 2 weeks. After vacuum, discard the vacuum up.

2.) Boric Acid to Kill Fleas

Boric acid works like salt to eliminate fleas. It acts as a dehydrating agent which causes dehydration in fleas due to which they cannot survive. You just need to sprinkle boric acid wherever you find fleas, their eggs and larvae.

  • Take a spray bottle and fill it with boric acid. First vacuum the carpet so that you can sprinkle boric acid.
  • Remove all the objects from the carpet. Now shake the bottle and spray it on the carpet.
  • Use soft brush on the carpet so that the boric acid works properly.
  • Leave it for 2 days and again vacuum the area treated with boric acid.
  • Continue with this method to kill the fleas. After a month wash your carpet.

3.) HomeMade Flea Spray

There are various flea sprays available in the market as they all contain chemicals, which can be hazardous. So you can make you own flea spray with some natural ingredients such as rosemary, lemon and certain essential oil.

  • Take a large bowl and put 6 lemon slices to it. Now take a handful of rosemary leaves and chop them. Add these chopped leaves to the bowl.
  • Then add 1000ml boiling water and 3 to 4 drops of geranium essential oil to rosemary and lemon. Cover the bowl and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, strain the water and pour it in the sprayer. Now spray the solution in the infested areas. This spray is very helpful to kill fleas.

4.) Salt to Prevent Fleas from Infestation

Salt is one of the good home remedies for killing fleas especially from your carpets. It works as a dehydration agent for fleas and kill them. It is the most common an ingredient that can be used to get rid of fleas in house. You may use any sea salt or table salt but you will need it in a large amount, the quantity depends on the area and size where you are going to sprinkle it. You also need large spice bottle with shaker top

  • Take the fine salt powder, if the salt is not finely grounded then you may grind it.
  • Now, fill up the spice bottle with this salt completely without leaving a little room on the top. It is important so that you can shake the bottle and sprinkle the salt over it.
  • Once you are done with this then simply sprinkle the salt over the carpets of each room.  Also, keep in mind that the salt should cover the area evenly. Leave it for 12-48 hours. After 2 days, just vacuum thoroughly.

5.) Herbal Flea Spray to Kill Fleas

The homemade flea spray is better than the other sprays which contain chemicals. The homemade spray is safe for your kids and pets. You may prepare this herbal flea spray easily at home. It is made up with amazing ingredients that may help a lot in getting rid of fleas in the home. To prepare this herbal flea spray, you need, vinegar- 1 gallon (it should be lesser than 4 liters), lemon juice- 16 oz. (it must be lesser than 500 ml), Fresh vacuum bag- 1, Water- ½ gallon (it should be lesser than 2 liters), Witch hazel- 8 oz. (a little less than 250 ml), and Home and Garden Sprayer- 1 (this sprayer must hold 6-7 liters at a time).

  • First, you need to do vacuuming before using this spray. Also, you need to collect all kind of things that cannot be vacuumed. Moreover, you need to wash it at the hottest setting of the washer. This is a great way to kill larvae as well as eggs of fleas.
  • Now, take a bowl and mix water, lemon juice, vinegar, and witch hazel together. After this, simply fill this mixture in a garden sprayer.
  • Spray this mixture directly on the carpets, window sills, pet bedding, furniture, floors, every nook and each and every corner of your house.
  • Keep on repeating this process for 2-7 days. If the flea infestation is bad in your home then you may continue to do this for few more days.

6.) Dish Detergent to Kill Fleas

The dish detergent and water solution works great for fleas. When they come in contact with this mixture, they die. It is a very easy method to get rid of fleas in the house naturally.

  • Just place a plate or a bowl in every room at night. Try to focus preferably in the middle area of the room and simply place it on the floor.
  • Now fill these containers with warm water. If you are using a bowl then simply fill it partly while if you are using a plate, then you must fill it to the brim. After this, simply add dish-washing liquid to the water.
  • Now, take one tea candle and place it in the center of each plate. If you are using a bowl, then you may not be able to place this candle inside it. In such case, you can place the candle near to the bowl.
  • At last, just light the candles. As soon as you light it, you will find that the fleas will get attracted towards the flame of the candle. When they will try to jump towards the light, they will simply get trapped in the high viscosity of the liquid having soap. This is the easiest way of trapping the fleas. Just use this simple method to kill fleas in the house.

7.) Use The Diatomaceous Earth

This is one of the best treatment to get rid of fleas fast. Diatomaceous earth is a microscopic leftover of fossilized algae known as a diatom. It is a very fine powder, just like flour. Diatoms are the kind of algae you will find in freshwater as well as in saltwater. Below are a few steps that you should follow to use Diatomaceous earth to get rid of fleas.

  • Clean all your carpets and vacuum properly. Wash off things that you can’t vacuum, with hot water.
  • Now, wherever you are doubtful of the fleas or their larvae, sprinkle some DE in thin layers. It is safe to sprinkle DE on your carpets, pet bedding, etc.
  • Leave the Diatomaceous earth in these areas for about 12-48 hours. After 4-6 hours you will see fleas dying. Leave this DE for a longer period of time like for 5-6 days.
  • Now, clean away all the powder and remember to throw away the vacuum bag. You may even use this Diatomaceous earth in your backyard or garden but you will need DE in large quantity.

8.) Dehumidifiers to Kill Fleas

Get one or two dehumidifier(s) contingent upon the span of your room. A 10l/day dehumidifier is sufficient for a room size of approx. 4x4m. Fleas can survive in low humidity, if we increase the humidity of the room then they automatically get killed. To do this, reduce the humidity of your room under half for 2 days and this will kill grown-up fleas and hatchling, and prevent flea eggs from incubating. You simply need to vacuum the flea jerky and their eggs.

9.) Clean Your Pet Effectively

Pets carry fleas and so they can harm your pets. Washing your pet is the best way to kill the fleas. By cleaning your dog you can easily get rid of fleas from dogs.

  • Apply the flea soap near the dog’s nose, eyes, ears, butt and mouth.
  • When fleas feel water then they look for a safe place on the dog to hide such as on the head, near the anus and around the neck.
  • Let the soap stand for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, comb out the dead fleas when dried.
  • You can also use tea tree oil or cedar oil because fleas don’t like these oils.

10.) Get Rid of Fleas with Baking Soda

Using baking soda is one of the effective ways to kill fleas. The baking soda helps to dry out the fleas and eggs in the carpet and helps to kill the fleas. You can use borax instead of using baking soda.

  • Cover the entire carpet with baking soda.
  • You can also spray baking soda to other infested areas.
  • Leave it for few hours and then vacuum the carpet thoroughly.
  • Baking soda is effective killer so you can use it in every 3 to 4 days.

11.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Prevent Fleas From Infestation

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for killing fleas. It is a natural flea repellent that will help to kill fleas. Apple cider vinegar is safe for cats and dogs.

  • Take a tsp of apple cider vinegar and put in your pet’s water dish.
  • You can also spray apple cider vinegar in every corner of your house.
  • Repeat this remedy in every 3 to 4 day to keep the fleas away.

12.) Pest Control Products to Kill Fleas Fast

There are several products that will help you to get rid of fleas. These products are fleabusters Rx, Precor IGR concentrate, Diatomaceous Earth plus, flea killer and enforcer XX flea spray. Spray or apply these products over the affected areas. They work best on the carpets and floors. You can buy these products online or from any other pest control shop.

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