Home Remedies for Herpes

Herpes occurs due to an attack by the herpes simple-1 and herpes simlex-2 viruses. The former causes oral herpes and the latter causes genital herpes. The virus or herpes spreads from one person to another through close contact. Herpes simple 1 virus transmitted through contact with the infected saliva for instance, through kissing, eating from the same utensils or sharing personal items. It is associated with infection of the lips face and mouth. On the other hand simple 2 virus is sexually transmitted and is associated with genital sores or ulcers. Cross infection spread to genital herpes in the mouth and oral herpes in the genital area caused by oral-genital contact. The virus can be transmitted even when sores and symptoms are not available. Keep reading to know home remedies for herpes.

Herpes outbreak is characterized by mouth sores, fever blister, and enlarged lymph nodes. The first symptoms of herpes outbreak may also be accompanied by a fever. After an outbreak, the virus tends to retreat to the nervous system. It can become active again due to illness, stress, certain foods, hormonal changes, surgery and a compromised immune system. Here is the list of home remedies for herpes.

Home Remedies for Herpes:

1.) Cold Compress to Treat Herpes

If you will place an ice pack on your sores, it will help to decrease the pain. Cover the ice packs with a towel to make sure that it doesn’t get too cold. Then place the ice pack over the area with the sores. Make sure to use a fresh towel every time and wash the used towel in hot water.

  • If the ice doesn’t help you, some people also get more relief from warm compress. You just need to boil some water and cool it to a warm hot temperature. Then soak a clean towel in the water and wring out he excess water. Apply this hot towel to the painful area. Use a clean towel or washcloth to repeat the process.

2.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Herpes

It is one of the best home remedies for herpes. It helps to decrease the severity of herpes outbreaks due to its astringent, disinfectant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Take a cotton ball and dip it into the apple cider vinegar and dab it on the affected area three to four times a day for about two to three days. If you want the best result, apply it as soon as possible as you experience the initial tingling sensation. Be aware that it will sting a little.
  • You can also add one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water. Drink it twice a day during flare ups for the best result.

3.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Get Rid of Herpes

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best home remedies for herpes. It is disinfectant in nature and quite a popular remedy for herpes.

  • You need to apply a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on the affected area with the help of cotton ball. Then leave it for a few minutes. After that wash it off. Repeat this process every few hours for a couple of days.
  • You can also use a lysine tablet, you just need to crush it and mix it with hydrogen peroxide and then apply.
  • For oral sores use a mixture of one part of hydrogen peroxide with three parts of water. Use it as mouthwash few times a day for about two to three days to see the positive result.

4.) Garlic to Treat Herpes

It has natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help to combat herpes outbreak. According to the research published in planta medical in 1992 found that a chemical called allicin present in garlic have antiviral effects. It is one the best home remedies for herpes, it also contains the antiviral compound ajoene.

  • Crush a garlic clove and place it on the affected area. Leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes. Do this few times a day for about two days or until you see the improvement. Be aware because it can also cause burning sensation.
  • Or you can use another method. Apply a garlic oil on the affected area. Use this remedy two to three times a day. you can make your own garlic oil. You need to cook fresh garlic cloves in the olive oil until they turn to brown and the strain the oil.
  • Or you can just simply eat one or two crushed garlic cloves daily. This will also work as a preventive measure.

5.) Lemon Balm to Cure Herpes

Lemon balm is useful in reducing the intensity of herpes outbreak. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties which make it one of the best remedies for herpes. It also contains a compound called eugenol which works as a natural pain reliever. Lemon balm is considered as one of the best home remedies for herpes.

  • Prepare a lemon balm tea and drink it several times a day for a few days until the symptoms of herpes subside.
  • Or you can apply a lemon balm oil or tea bag on the affected area for three to four times a day. you can also wash the area with lemon balm tea.
  • Or you can use another method. You just need to dab a little lemon balm extract on the affected area, then leave it until it dries naturally. Use this remedy few times a day.

6.) Licorice Root to Get Rid of Herpes

Licorice root helps to strengthen the immune system and fights off with the virus of herpes. It has an active ingredient called glycyrrhizin that has anti-inflammatory and antiviral benefits. Licorice root is one of the best home remedies for herpes.

  • Or you can mix a one-half tablespoon of licorice root powder with one-half tablespoon of water. Then dab it on the affected area and leave it on for a few hours. Use this remedy three to four times a day until the blister is gone.
  • You can also apply a thin layer of liquid licorice root gel or cream on the affected area for the positive result.
  • Those who have a problem with high blood pressure should avoid taking this herb internally. If topical application of licorice root causes any irritation to you, then discontinue using this remedy.

7.) Tea Tree Oil to Cure Herpes

Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory, antiherpetic and pain relieving properties which make it one of the best home remedies for herpes. It also contains phenylpropanoids and terpenes with antiviral activity. According to the study published in Die Pharmazie in 2001 found that tea tree oil exhibits more antiviral activity than eucalyptus oil.

  • Keep in mind that first dilute the tea tree oil before using it. mix 10 drops of tea tree oil with one-half ounce of vegetable oil. You can also add five drops of each geranium and myrrh essential oils and two drops of peppermint oil
  • Then apply this mixture on the affected are three to five times a day for a few days until the outbreak clears.

8.) Aloe Vera to Treat Herpes

Aloe Vera not only helps to treat herpes but it also helps to treat many problems. It is useful in dealing with herpes outbreaks especially in the case of genital herpes as it helps to heal the lesions. it also helps to heal the sores and relieve pain and inflammation. Aloe Vera is considered as one of the best home remedies for herpes.

  • Take Aloe Vera leaf and cut it into pieces to extract the gel out of it. then apply it on the affected area. Let it dry on its own, then wipe it off with the help of washcloth soaked in warm water. Use this remedy several times a day for about three to four days.
  • You can also apply Aloe Vera cream or extract topically.

9.) Peppermint oil to Get Rid of Herpes

Peppermint tea helps to reduce the severity of herpes outbreaks. It also helps to soothe the pain and inflammation. It is one of the best home remedies for herpes. Peppermint oil has a virucidal effect on the virus of herpes. You can use to treat mouth ulcers as well.

  • Prepare the peppermint tea and drink this tea two times a day until the problem goes away.
  • Or you can take a cotton ball and then dip it in a water and then peppermint oil. Apply it on the affected area few times a day to see the positive result.

10.) Coconut oil to Treat Herpes

It contains lauric acid which converts into a monoglyceride called monoaurin that has antibacterial and antiviral effects. The capric and lauric acid present in coconut oil helps to kill the virus of herpes. Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for herpes and canker sores as well.

  • You need to drink 10 to 30 ounces or about a quart of organic coconut oil once a day.
  • Or you can use another method. You can take a lauric acid supplement, but first, consult your doctor before taking this supplement.
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