Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

After writing questions to ask your boyfriend, things to say to your boyfriend, and 90 get to know you questions, we are now writing cute things to say to your boyfriend. Getting into a relationship is not tough but maintaining it is what requires efforts. When it comes to keeping the sparkle alive in your relationship then communication becomes very important. You need to make your boyfriend feel good about himself. Talking nicely and saying cute things to your boyfriend might help you to keep him interested in you forever. Also, you should not always be the one who receives also be the one who gives away. It is your responsibility too to make your boyfriend feel good in staying in a relationship with you. Cute things to say to your boyfriend are enlisted below read more to make your boyfriend feel lucky to have you.

Cute Things to Say to Your BoyfriendCute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

1.) I am the luckiest person as I have you with me.

Your job is to make your boyfriend feel good in being with you. Cute things to say to your boyfriend should make him feel lucky to have you.

2.) I never look at the moon in the sky because I already have my moon with me.

This sounds cheesy but who cares if your guy is liking it. Listening to this super cute thing will definitely make him like you more.

3.) I have eyes only for you.

Compliment him the best way you can and tell him how much he means to you. Say cute things to your boyfriend and make him feel that you think yourself lucky to have him in your life. This would also make him feel great.

4.) In every life, I wish to be yours.

This would tell him how much he means to you. Guys always wants to know what their girl think about him. Listening this would make his day and would indeed fill his heart with joy. Your list of cute things to say to your boyfriend should definitely include this.

5.) Are you a magician because whenever I see you all of my worry disappears.

Guys feel it their responsibility to get to keep their girl happy and have her worry least about anything. If he would know that you feel such way then he would definitely love it. He would also feel great and that he is doing his job properly.

6.) What have you in your eyes it always hooks me up.

You must have got compliments from him about your eyes but return him if you feel the same for his eyes. If you can stare into his eyes for long then tell your feelings for him. Tell him how much affection you feel when you look into his eyes.

7.) Your kiss tastes better than any candy or chocolate it takes me to another level.

To say cute things to your boyfriend compliment his kiss. Guys always wonder if they are doing it right? He may not ask but he must wonder it too. When he will get to know that he is a great kisser he would love it.

8.) You are a drug to me and I am severely addicted to you.

Sometimes use such lines to express your feelings for him. It will make him love you more.

9.) I would do anything just to see your smiling face.

Guys too like such kind of compliments. Do not hesitate to tell your guy how much he means to you. When you want to see him smile often then tell him how much you love to see him smiling. This is probably the cutest things to say to your boyfriend.

10.) You make my heartbeat run fast.

If he does then he must know about it. Tell him how happy you get to see his face and meet him. When you want to make a guy feel good then you must tell him that seeing him brightens your day.

11.) No words can describe how I feel for you.

When you mean to say cute things to your boyfriend then telling him how important he is for you is a must. Make him aware that he is the best person in your life and you have never felt the same way before.

12.) You seem to be the answer of all of my prayers.

The cute things to say to your boyfriend should be genuine and straight from your heart. Do not say anything which you do not believe. This line would definitely give him tears of joy.

13.) I can never get enough of you.

Do not only hear these words also say lines like these to your boyfriend to make him feel great in staying with you. Guys like to feel appreciated by his girl.

14.) If you want to see me smiling stay in front of my eyes that is all I need.

This is such a sweet line and can make any guy fall for you once again in love with you. He would love the fact that you love him so much.

15.) You complete me.

Is is good to tell your guy how much important he is for you and how much his presence means in your life. Tell him that you feel perfect when you both are together.

16.) I feel so empty without you.

Tell your guy if he is the one. When it comes to making your guy feel special you need to make him feel that he makes you happy.

17.) My name sounds amazing from your lips.

Say line like this to compliment your boyfriend. Guys too like getting complimented like girls do. Compliment your guy when you get any chance to make him feel good about himself.

18.) I love and cherish all moments spend with you.

Say cute things to your boyfriend to keep your relationship happy. When you want to keep your relationship running smooth then showing appreciation to your partner is pretty important. This way it makes them feel great to be with you. Tell him that you enjoy all the moments you have spent with him and you live for those moments.

19.) I love to stay by your side all the time.

If your guy has the assurance that you are only his then he gets confident about your relationship. When you will show a guy that he is very important for you he will act that way too.

20.) If I could I would never let you go away from my eyesight.

When you both talk to try to add lines like this to make your conversation cute and romantic. You should try to make your boyfriend feel good the way he makes you feel good.

21.) Everyone is envious of me because I am with you.

A true gentleman has eyes only for his girl. To say cute things to your boyfriend you do not always need to compliment him. Tell him your true feelings and that would be more than enough.

22.) What is the most important thing in this world to me? It is your smile.

It is common for a girl to get a compliment about their smile but guys too love it when someone compliments about their smile. This would show your guy how much his happiness is important to you.

23.) I can walk miles if you stay beside me.

He does a lot for you and shows him that you would not hesitate to do such things for him too. This is probably really cute to say when it comes cute things to say to your boyfriend.

24.) Even my heart knows that you are the one.

Make him happy by saying this line to him. When it comes to making a guy feel good then tell him that yo think about him and you know that he is the special one because no one ever made you feel the way he does.

25.) I must have done something great to deserve you.

You must love it when he makes you feel special. When it comes to cute things to say to your boyfriend then make him feel special by saying this line. his wold makes him feel that you are happy being with him and that would make him happy too.

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