How to Whiten Teeth? (Naturally & Fast)

The most important thing that people notice about you is your ‘Smile’. Everyone desires brighter smile. A shining and sparkling white teeth make everyone appear more attractive, younger and healthy. Many people avoid smiling in public because they feel self conscious about their yellow teeth. Your teeth become yellow over time as your enamel becomes more porous. Your teeth become yellow due to stains in both deep and surface levels. Tooth enamel is the hard and thin enamel makes your teeth yellow. In this article, you will get to know about how to whiten teeth.

There are many factors that cause yellow teeth such as genetics, aging, poor dental hygiene and excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks such as cigarettes, tea, coffee and tobacco. By taking high doses of antibiotics, infection, climatic conditions and improper metabolism that can contribute to yellow teeth. The caffeinated drinks and cigarettes leave stains on the teeth thus, causing yellow teeth. Some people use some products to whiten teeth and some use home remedies and natural remedies to treat the yellow teeth.

Causes of Yellow Teeth:

  • Genetics
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Infection
  • Aging
  • Improper metabolism
  • High doses of antibiotics
  • Excessive use of caffeinated drinks.

Best Remedies to Whiten Teeth:

1.) Orange Peel to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth Fast

Orange peel is one of the best home remedies to get whiten teeth naturally. Cleaning your teeth with fresh orange peel helps to reduce the discoloration of your teeth. The calcium and vitamin C in the orange peel will remove the microorganisms.

Steps to Use Orange Peel:

  • Take an orange peel and rub it over your teeth before bedtime.
  • Do this method every night for a few weeks to see the best results.

2.) Get Whiten Teeth with Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the best methods to treat yellow teeth fast. Baking soda helps to remove plaque and make your teeth white.

Steps to Use Baking Soda:

  • Add a quarter tsp of baking soda in a little toothpaste. Brush your teeth with this paste and wash it with warm water. Use this paste once or 2 times a week.
  • An alternate method, combine baking soda with white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice and brush your teeth with this paste.
  • Another way is to prepare a whitening mouthwash by mixing 1 tbsp of baking soda and half tsp of hydrogen peroxide with 1 cup of cold water. Use this mouthwash to rinse your mouth 2 or 3 times a day.
  • You can also rub your teeth with diluted baking soda for 2 minutes.

3.) Salt to Get Whiten Teeth Fast

Salt is one of the best cleansing agents that has been used for all ages. It helps to regenerate the lost material in the teeth and helps to whiten your teeth.

How to whiten teeth naturally

Steps to Use Salt:

  • Use common salt as a tooth powder each morning instead of toothpaste.
  • Another method is to combine common salt and charcoal and brush your teeth with this paste regularly.
  • You can also combine baking soda with common salt and gently rub this powder on your teeth.
  • Be extra careful while using salt as it may cause damage to your tooth enamel and gums.

4.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Treat Yellow Teeth Fast

Due to the mild bleaching effect of hydrogen peroxide it helps to whiten your teeth.

Steps to Use Hydrogen Peroxide:

  • Use a mouthwash that contains hydrogen peroxide. Rinse and gargle with this mouthwash. Don’t swallow the hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • You can also prepare a paste by combining hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and brush your teeth with this paste.

5.) Strawberries to Get Whiten Teeth Fast and Naturally

Strawberries are the best home remedy for whiten your teeth. The vitamin C in strawberries helps to make your teeth whiter.

Steps to Use Strawberries:

  • Prepare a paste by grinding a few strawberries. Use this strawberry paste and rub it on your teeth. Do it 2 times a day for some weeks.
  • An alternate method, add the pulp of 1 strawberry to one-half tsp of baking soda and spread it on your teeth. Allow it to sit for a few minutes and wash your mouth. Brush your teeth with this paste to get rid of yellow teeth paste fast.
  • Use hydrogen peroxide carefully as it may cause irritation of the gums.

6.) Whiten Teeth with Lemon Naturally and Fast

Lemon is one of the best home remedies for whitening of teeth as it helps to remove yellow discoloration. Scrubbing your teeth with lemon peel and gargling with lemon juice is the best way to make your teeth white.

Steps to Use Lemon:

  • Add a few drops of lemon juice in some salt.
  • Apply this paste on the stained teeth and rub it over your teeth and gums. Keep it for a few minutes and then wash your mouth with water.
  • Do this remedy daily for 2 weeks to get rid of the yellow tinge.

7.) Whiten Teeth Naturally with Turmeric

Turmeric is highly beneficial for your oral health as it contains medicinal properties. It helps to remove yellow color of your teeth and make your teeth whiter.

Steps to Use Turmeric:

  • Use organic turmeric powder for your teeth. First, wet your brush and dip it turmeric powder.
  • Now, brush your teeth normally.
  • Allow it to sit for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Spit it and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • You can also use toothpaste that contains turmeric as an ingredient and brush your teeth.

8.) Margosa or Neem to Whiten Teeth Naturally and Fast

Neem or margosa is the best natural remedy to enjoy white and healthy teeth. The antiseptic and astringent properties in margosa help to treat bad breath and prevents dental cavities.

Steps to Use Margosa or Neem:

  • Brush your teeth with the help of margosa twigs or branches. Chewing margosa twigs helps to treat teeth problems and remove the yellow color of your teeth.
  • You can also add neem oil to your regular toothpaste and then brush your teeth daily.

9.) Charcoal to Treat Stained Teeth Fast and Naturally

Charcoal is one of the best home remedies for treating yellow teeth. The powerful crystal based chemical in charcoal helps to whiten your teeth fast.

Steps to Use Charcoal:

  • Add some charcoal powder in your toothpaste and brush your teeth regularly.
  • Repeat this remedy daily to make your teeth white.
  • If you do not have charcoal then you can use the ashes of burnt rosemary and burnt bread to get white teeth.

10.) Apples to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

Eating a crunchy apple helps to scrub your teeth like a toothbrush and make your teeth whiter.

Steps to Use Apples to Whiten Teeth:

  • Eat 1 or 2 apples daily to treat yellow stain which deposits on your teeth.
  • Chew it properly so that the acidic nature of apple and its fiber rich flesh helps to get white teeth.
  • You can also eat other crunchy items such as cucumbers, broccoli and carrots.

11.) Holy Basil to Whiten Teeth Naturally and Fast

Using basil leaves is one of the best natural remedies for whitening your teeth without antibiotics. The holy basil leaves contain whitening properties that help to protect your teeth from problems such as pyorrhoea.

Steps to Use Basil leaves to Treat Yellow Teeth:

  • Take some few leaves of basil leaves and put them in the sunlight to dry. When the basil leaves are dry, then grind them to make a powder form. Now, add this powder to your toothpaste and brush your teeth.
  • Another method is to prepare a paste of basil leaves and mustard oil and then clean your teeth with this paste.

12.) Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth Fast and Naturally

Oil pulling is beneficial that helps to whiten your teeth. Use coconut oil to treat yellow teeth as it contains lauric acid that helps to prevent your teeth from bacteria that makes your teeth yellow. It also keeps your breath fresh and promote gum health.

Steps to Use Coconut Oil to Treat Your Yellow Teeth:

  • Before brushing your teeth, take 1 tbsp of coconut oil and put it in your mouth.
  • Now, swish and pull the oil around your teeth for 10 minutes.
  • Spit it out and rinse your mouth with water. Then, brush your teeth.

Other Useful Tips to Whiten Teeth:

  • Brush your teeth two times a day daily.
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and carbonated drinks.
  • After eating or drinking something acidic, drink plain water or milk to reduce the acid’s eroding effect.
  • You can use teeth whitener products which are available in the market.
  • Avoid sugary products as they develop plaque and cavities that resulting into stains and yellowness.
  • Consume a calcium rich diet to protect your teeth against plaque.
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